Alan M. Dershowitz J Street Attacked Sarah Palin But Not Fellow Leftists and Democrats Who Abuse the Language of Jewish Suffering “P.S. I’m still waiting for J Street’s reaction to Congressman Cohen’s invocation of the Holocaust, Goebbels and blood libels to attack Republicans.” Shortly after Sarah Palin provoked a barrage of criticism for her […] ONE COMMENT FROM A STUDENT:MORE BELOW THE COLUMN….AT LEAST SOME STUDENTS KNOW THE FACTS “Why does no one care about the occupation of the homeland of 25 million Kurds? There are only 8 million Falsetinians, but they have the entire world behind their Fascist cause to create a pure Arab Muslim Middle East. […]
Loughner Indictment[1] January 21, 2011 11:01 A.M. By Andrew C. McCarthy There was some head-scratching a couple of days ago over the Justice Department’s indictment of Jared Lee Loughner in the Tucson shootings case because he was not charged with the murders of Chief Judge John Roll and Gabriel Zimmerman, a legislative aide to Rep. Gabrielle […] Tunisia, the Middle East & Judea and Samaria Mountain Ridges Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought” The Tunisian turmoil – and its potential regional ripple effects – reaffirm the significance of the Judea and Samaria mountain ridges to the national security and survival of the Jewish State, as presented by the attached document. I authored the […] This week’s syndicated column: Politico featured a story this week headlined “Muslim groups nervous about King hearings.” It went on to discuss Muslim apprehension regarding upcoming congressional hearings led by Rep. Peter King, R-NY, “on the threat posed by radical Islam in America.” That phrase — “radical Islam” — is truly a marvel: a […] GAZA (Reuters) – A crowd of angry Palestinians mobbed the car of French Foreign Minister Michele Alliot-Marie as she toured the Gaza Strip on Friday, in a protest her spokeswoman said was sparked by a misunderstanding. At one stage, men, women and children lay down in the road to block her convoy. Later, eggs […] To The Rear March Dr. Jim Blair Hospitals’ ability to deal with emergencies – disasters or man-made scenarios such as terrorism – are still generally ineffective, with no unified policies of preparedness. We have seen in our earlier articles that the folks who design and construct today’s hospitals show little regard for the built- […],css.print/pub_detail.asp FSM KINDLY POSTED THIS TRIBUTE TO THE FOUNDER AND LEADER OF AMERICAN FOR A SAFE ISRAEL….RSK About the ‘Muslim Problem’ Frank Salvato Five years ago when my organization partnered in producing the first national symposium series on the threat of radical Islam, the issue was not in the mainstream. In fact, our publication, was banned from Google News for what they called “hate speech,” simply because several of […] Women: America’s Last Best Hope An interview with the Author Kimberly Fletcher Ruth King Kimberly Fletcher’s latest book, “Women: America’s Last Best Hope.” Kimberly Fletcher is the president and founder of Homemakers for America, former Vice President of the Dayton Tea Party and Executive Director of the Abigail Adams Project. She also has another […]