CHARLES MOORE: THE DAYS OF DOING DEALS WITH MUSLIM EXTREMISTS ARE OVER The days of doing deals with Muslim extremists are over As minds are concentrated on matters abroad, the Prime Minister is about to deliver a few home truths, says Charles Moore. Television plays a strange role in this great unfolding drama in the Middle East. On the one hand, it drives everything. It turns […]

JAMIE GLAZOV: OBAMA’S BROTHERHOOD ROMANCE Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood romance In the summer of 2009, when the world witnessed brave Iranians taking to the streets in an effort to overthrow the Islamofascist regime that was terrorizing them, the president of the United States merely shrugged his shoulders and shuffled his feet. Encouraging words somehow failed him. But today, as the […]

GOVERNOR CHRISTIE’S ISLAMIC PROBLEM: RYAN MAURO Governor Christie’s Islamist Problem Posted By Ryan Mauro New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is a rising star in the Republican Party, forcing him to constantly deny that he will run for president in 2012. His stardom has just hit a bump though, as he is under fire for embracing Muslims with Islamist ties. The […]

EILEEN TOPLANSKY: JUST ASK OBAMA THE SIMPLE QUESTION…IS THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD A THREAT TO AMERICA? Appeasing the Muslim Brotherhood — Obama’s Rubicon Moment By Eileen F. Toplansky Signed on September 17, 1978, the Camp David Accords ushered in a peace between Egypt and Israel.  This peace is clearly in jeopardy now that Obama has shown that America can no longer be trusted to aid its allies, let alone its […]

OBAMA’S ROLE IN EMPOWERING THE BROTHERHOOD: ED LASKY….SEE NOTE PLEASE Obama’s Role in Empowering the Muslim Brotherhood By Ed Lasky OBAMA’S CAIRO SPEECH WAS CALLED AN OUTREACH TO MUSLIMS…IT WAS A PAEAN TO THEM WITH NO CALL FOR SIGNIFICANT REFORMS..RSK The Obama administration is claiming that the president has been out in front of the crisis in Egypt.  The facts prove otherwise.  He has […]

WHAT IF THE PROBLEM IS REALLY THE PEOPLE? THE SULTAN “A people who do not believe in the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness will not be free no matter how many times they go to the polls. You can place voting booths outside every home and run elections every week, and it will still do no good. Freedom may be […]

OBAMA THE INTERNET PHARAOH? SHAME ON SEN. JOE LIEBERMAN The power of social media tools like Twitter and Facebook to fan the flames of upheaval along the Nile must keep potential dictators up late at night. The Mubarak government‘s ham-fisted order to cut off Egypt‘s electronic access to the outside world on Jan. 27 is a potent reminder of how deeply strongmen resent […]

ISLAMIC WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING: DAPHNE ANSON Requiem for Islamic Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing? David Cameron on Islamic Extremism in that Province of Eurabia called Britain Remember this infamous statement by Britain’s ambassador to Lebanon, Frances Guy, made in Beirut last year in praise of Londonistan? Here it is again, in all its brazen shame: “London has traditionally been a place of […]

OBAMA’S DRILLING MORATORIUM IS CONTEMPT FOR THE CITIZENS AND THE COURTS Energy Policy: An administration that has no respect for Congress, the courts or the Constitution has been found in contempt for reissuing a drilling moratorium that a U.S. district judge found overly broad. The Obama administration’s trouble with the courts has continued with a judge’s ruling last week that the Interior Department’s reinstating of […]

JOHN BERNARD: REACTIVE PRONOUNCEMENT IS NOT LEADERSHIP…IT’S DEADLY Reactive Pronouncement is not Leadership; it’s Deadly! As events have developed in the Middle East in the past two weeks we have watched a transition in the public pronouncements of nearly every entity on the planet. The only person to hold ground, to some degree has been the Egyptian President Mubarak. Although he announced […]