BRUCE KESLER: A CHANUKAH MEDITATION December 1, 2010 Chanukah (Hannukah) 2010 Bruce Kesler This year’s calendar offers a way to think about two important dates in Judaism, the birth of today’s Israel and Chanukah. The two dates represent the importance of struggle to accomplish a Jewish state as well as the struggle to deserve a Jewish state. Four days […]

MICHAEL CUTLER: THE DREAM ACT VS. THE AMERICAN DREAM The DREAM Act v. The American Dream Michael Cutler I have, as I expect you know, written a number of commentaries and participated in a number of televised debates on the issue of what is expected to be the efforts of the “Lame Duck” session of Congress to ram the DREAM Act through the […]

THE SULTAN: THE DEFENDERS OF EVIL***** Defenders of Evil in the Dark “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil” Isaiah 5:20 Every conspiracy theory by Anti-War activists and 9/11 Truthers has one thing in common. It calls good, evil… and evil, good. Its overriding message is that America is the center of all the world’s evil. We […]


Wikileaks Cables Expose John Kerry as an Enemy of Peace in the Mideast Posted By Seth Mandel When Barack Obama became president, he finally put one issue to rest: No, the Democratic Party is not pro-Israel. But the WikiLeaks revelations have now put in doubt another claim: that the Democrats want peace for Israel […]


The WikiLeaks State Department Disclosures – Another ‘Vast Conspiracy’ Against Hillary Clinton? Posted By Joseph Klein Right on cue, the New York Times has proven the point I made in yesterday’s post entitled “The Obama Administration Benefits From WikiLeaks.” I argued that the obliging press, led by the New York Times, is spinning selected […]

LIES ABOUT SAMARIA: JAMIE GLAZOV INTERVIEWS MICHAEL GOTTLIEB***** Lies about Samaria Posted By Jamie Glazov Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Michael Gottlieb, an oleh (immigrant) from the US who is a man on a mission. After moving from New York’s suburbia to Israel’s bucolic Samarian (Shomron) heartland region, he has joined the battle to save the Land of Israel in general and the […]

CLINGING TO EARMARKS….THE GOP EIGHT “Eight Republicans, primarily members of the Appropriations Committee, went on the record against the ban: Sens. Bob Bennett (Utah), Thad Cochran (Miss.), Susan Collins (Maine), James Inhofe (Okla.), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Richard Lugar (Ind.), Richard Shelby (Ala.), George Voinovich (Ohio).”….. Senators Can’t Quit Earmarks By Andrew Stiles “Senators rejected this morning a binding […]

IS HOLOCAUST DENIAL BY US PROFESSORS A FORM OF ACADEMIC FREEDOM? Holocaust Denial From U.S. Professors: Academic Freedom? Posted By Alex Joffe What are the limits to academic discourse? Are lies and calumnies from academics protected speech outside the classroom, as well as inside? Does “protected” mean immune from criticism or from direct consequences? Are there distinctions between statements made within one’s “field of expertise” […]

HOLD THE GOP FRESHMEN ACCOUNTABLE TO THE VOTERS….BAN EARMARKS Congressional Earmarks: Embracing and Ignoring a Message From Voters By Jerry Shenk ‘In other words, members use the taxes taken from voters’ paychecks to preserve their own paychecks.” As the installation of a new Congress with a Republican House majority and a larger Republican presence in the Senate approaches, the debate over congressional earmarks […]

JOHN McCAIN NEVER FAILS TO FAIL…SOFTENING ON START….. By JONATHAN WEISMAN And LAURA MECKLER President Barack Obama on Tuesday gained significant Republican support for his top foreign-policy priority, a nuclear-arms treaty with Russia that in recent days had appeared all but dead for the year in the Senate. Separately, in their long-awaited first meeting since the election, the president and Republican leaders […]