,css.print/pub_detail.asp Background. A group calling itself the “Seattle Mideast Awareness Campaign” had intended to place anti-Israel advertisements on the side of buses in King County. When a counter-campaign was launched, the bus company refused to allow the posters. Ed Mast, a long term campaigner for “Palestinian rights” wrote an article in the Seattle Times in […]
Through a Lens Dhimmily: Britain’s Middle East Ambassadors of Distortion Forget the realities of living in the Islamic Middle East in a state of dhimmitude. Forget the jizya tax. Forget the imposed humiliations and the mandatory occupations. Forget the caprices of Muslim rulers and “protectors” towards the Jews and Christians in their midst. Forget […] Charles Krauthammer The origins of Jared Loughner’s delusions are clear: mental illness. What are the origins of Paul Krugman’s? Massacre, Followed by Libel Washingto – The charge: The Tucson massacre is a consequence of the “climate of hate” created by Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, Glenn Beck, Obamacare opponents, and sundry other liberal bêtes noires. […] White House Cowardice: Not a Word Spoken in Defense of Boris Nemtsov Posted By Kim Zigfeld A remarkable statement appeared [1] in the New York Times recently. It read: “The White House issued a statement [2] condemning Mr. Nemtsov’s arrest.” The statement was remarkable because it compressed so much dishonesty and inaccuracy into less […]
A Candidate for RNC Chair and His Anti-Constitutional Ideas Posted By J. Christian Adams If nothing else, the 2010 elections were about a renaissance of the United States Constitution. The constitutional restraints on the power of government are en vogue. A resurgent GOP has claimed the document as a unifying rallying cry. This is why […] BEIRUT (AFP) – Lebanon’s unity government looked set to collapse on Wednesday after the powerful Hezbollah and its allies threatened to walk out over a UN probe into the assassination of former premier Rafiq Hariri. Health Minister Mohamad Jawad Khalifeh, whose Amal party is allied with Hezbollah, said 11 ministers would tender their resignations […] Egypt plays victim card against Pope rather than address deadly Islamist bigotry against Christians I had to rub my eyes a couple of times this morning as I opened the BBC website to find two more stories about the ongoing violence against Christians in Egypt. In the wake of the massacre of 23 Christians […]
WaPo expunges Israeli rule of Jerusalem — an Orwellian ploy At first, it seemed that it may just have been an oversight accounting for the fact that the Washington Post has turned Palestinian wishful-thinking about Jerusalem into actual reality. But it wasn’t just a one-time mistake. It again pops up in a Jan. 11 dispatch by Jerusalem correspondent Joel Greenberg […] In a signed editorial in Cuba’s state-owned Granma, Castro writes: “As is known, the state of Arizona, a territory that was snatched from Mexico by the United States together with many other expanses of land, has been the scene of painful events for the hundreds of Latin Americans who die trying to immigrate to […]
Cutting Defense: Save Money, Cost Lives Posted by Jack L. Treese, CWO US Army, Retired Cut “pork” before military spending. In a recent article in the “Stars and Stripes” Defense Secretary Robert Gates is planning to reduce the strength of Soldiers and Marines by up to 70,000 by 2015 due to “this country’s dire […]