The Iconoclast Jerry Gordon Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff Speech in Copenhagen at IFPS: “The Time That is Given” A tip of the hat to Baron Bodissey at the Gates of Vienna blog, who sent us this stirring address by Austrian Free Speech advocate, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, who we had interviewed for the NER  just prior to her show […]

INSPIRE, THE SLICK ALQAEDA MAGAZINE THAT INSPIRES MUSLIMS TO KILL THEIR NEIGHBORS By JUDITH MILLER And DAVID SAMUELS The November special issue of Inspire, a slick new English-language Web magazine produced by Al Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula, aims to do more than report the news. It wants to make news, by inspiring young American Muslims to kill their neighbors. View Full Image Associated PressAnwar Al-Awlaki […]

EURABIA WATCH: ADRIAN MORGAN, EDITOR FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS Eurabia Watch, November 26: Koran-Burning Schoolgirl Arrested Coming to America Soon? BRITAIN: Schoolgirl Arrested for Koran Burning News from the Press Association via the BBC and the Guardian, and also the Birmingham Mail: A 15-your old schoolgirl has been arrested after she posted a video on Facebook. This video is said to have shown […]

THE SULTAN: THANKLESS IN OBAMALAND Friday Afternoon Roundup – Thankless in Obamaland “This is one Thanksgiving weekend which finds Americans with little to be thankful for. The economy is sliding badly and the dollar is endangered, which could potentially wreck the nation’s economy long after Obama is gone. Flying was a more unpleasant experience due to the TSA’s aggressive […]

TRAVEL AND THE TSA: TERRORISTS ARE TO BLAME JONAH GOLDBERG Jonah Goldber Travel, the TSA, and Teutonic Terminology The first people to blame for this mess are the murderers. When it comes to understatements, “the Germans have made some mistakes” is in a class by itself. But one thing they’re great at is words. They’ve got the best words, particularly for feelings of angst […]

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER; THE IRRELEVANCE OF START….IGNORING THE REAL NUCLEAR DANGER The Irrelevance of START It ignores the real nuclear danger. It’s a lame-duck session. Time is running out. Unemployment is high, the economy is dangerously weak, and, with five weeks to go, no one knows what tax they’ll be paying on everything from income to dividends to death when the current rates expire Jan. […]


More South Koreans Will Die. Maybe Americans Too Posted By Gordon G. Chang “Democracies are known for weak responses to the hostile acts of authoritarian states. This week, neither the White House nor the Blue House broke the pattern. They adopted policies that look like the ones we have witnessed before every major war […]

TED BELMAN: HISTORY CHANNEL REWRITES MIDDLE EAST HISTORY Ted Belman The History Channel posts a reminder, Nov 29,1947. U.N. votes for partition of Palestine but their article is pure Arab propaganda and gives the lie to history. “Despite strong Arab opposition, the United Nations votes for the partition of Palestine and the creation of an independent Jewish state. “The modern conflict between […]

OREGON: MUSLIM TEEN, NATURALIZED SOMALI ARRESTED IN CAR BOMB ATTEMPT Oregon: Muslim teen arrested after attempted car bomb attack at Christmas tree lighting ceremony Mohamed Osman Mohamud: Misunderstander of Islam He yelled “Allahu akbar” and tried to kick agents as they swooped in to arrest him. DoJ press release here. “Feds Arrest Somali-Born Teen in Car Bomb Plot,” from the Associated Press, November 27 […]

VICTOR SHARPE: A PEOPLE HAVE NO NEED TO ANNEX WHAT IS ALREADY THEIRS A people have no need to annex what is already theirs Victor Sharpe: The very fact that the Israeli Knesset passed a bill that would require a referendum before any land officially under Israeli sovereignty is surrendered, specifically the Golan Heights and Jerusalem, is in itself a tacit admission by the present Israeli government […]