SRDJA TRIFKOVIC:NATO’S NEW STRATEGY….A WARNING FOR THE BALKANS NATO’s New Strategy: A Warning for the Balkans by Srdja Trifkovic NATO’s much heralded “New Strategic Concept,” adopted at the summit in Lisbon on November 20, provides a few additional reasons why those Balkan countries that are still outside the Alliance should stay out of it. NATO and the uses to which Washington puts […]

A SENIOR MARINE CALLS IT AS HE SEES IT…. A Senior Marine Calls It as He Sees It My good friend, SgtMaj James Sauer was moved by the seeming deliberate absence of mention of the death of a fellow Marine in Afghanistan on 9 November 2010, 1stLt, Robert Kelly. I would like to preface his ‘rant’ with a few comments: Our Founding Fathers […]

THE DYSFUNCTIONAL, MEDIEVAL SAUDI EDUCATION SYSTEM EXPORTED TO THE WEST….SEE NOTE HILLARY CALLS THESE BARBARIANS “PILLARS AND ALLIES” AND OBAMA SELLS THEM ADVANCED WEAPONS….RSK Our friends the Saudis: promoting a medieval educational system Writing in the liberal Guardian (UK), Ali al-Ahmed — director of the Institute for Gulf Affairs — throws a spotlight on a dysfunctional Saudi educational system that he calls “medieval”. Worse still, […]

NIGAL FARAGE, LEADER OF UK INDEPENDENCE PARTY TO THE EU:….”YOU ARE HAPPY TO DESTROY DEMOCRACY”***** “Just who the hell do you think you people are?” Nigel Farage poses an excellent question. We’re still waiting for the answer . . . Posted By Roger Kimball Here’s a typical headline from the Associated Press today: “Debt turmoil, contagion fears sweep Europe.” [1] Yikes. Yesterday it was Greece: they’re in debt to […]


Muslims in Christian Schools: Religious Friction 101 by David J. Rusin  • “Overall, the situation in many Christian schools resembles David Solway’s analogy of the West’s multicultural experiment: you welcome a guest into your home, only to watch him “introduce a new set of house rules which you, the proprietor, are expected to abide by.” […]

SARAH HONIG: IT’S OUR FAULT Another Tack: It’s our fault Sarah Honig It’s probably unrealistic to expect more than a handful of folks with an inordinate capacity for useless information to recall Portia Nelson, the late American lyricist, artist, performer and 20th-century renaissance woman. Her most widely quoted creation was a 1976 poem “Autobiography in Five Short Chapters.” As […]

THE KOREAN CRISIS: THE LEGACY OF AN UNFINISHED WAR WRITTEN IN JUNE 2008 Exclusive: The Legacy of an Unfinished War Ruth King This past Memorial Day, in a leafy town in Connecticut, where soldiers, sailors, veterans and their families and many townspeople gathered for a tribute to the town’s fallen heroes, I was struck by the number of octogenarians who were veterans of the largely forgotten and […]

NORTH KOREA: CHINA’S HIDDEN DAGGER ALAN CARUBA The Korean War ended in a stalemate in 1953. Having begun on June 25, 1950 with the blessings of Joseph Stalin, an armistice agreement on July 27, 1953 left the peninsula divided between the Republic of South Korea and the Peoples Republic of North Korea. How long ago was that? Dwight D. […]

REWARDING ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS: J.CHRISTIAN ADAMS Rewarding Illegal Alien Criminals J. Christian Adams Victor Nunez is an illegal alien from Mexico. Two years after arriving in the United States, he was convicted of petty theft for shoplifting. Then, he was convicted of a much more serious crime: He exposed himself in public. But even this wasn’t enough to have him removed from the […]

KARACHI THE HUB FOR JIHADISTS,1518,730976,00.html Pakistan’s Labyrinth of Terror International Jihadists Use Karachi as Hub By Susanne Koelbl in Karachi, Pakistan Karachi is the pulsating heart of Pakistan, but the city of 18 million is descending into a maelstrom of violence. While NATO uses the port to support its war in Afghanistan, international jihadism has established strongholds in the metropolis’s […]