ALLEN WEST GOES AGAINST THE GRAIN Allen West, one of two black Republicans just elected to House, goes against grain By Krissah Thompson Allen West, a 22-year Army veteran, is preparing for Washington a bit like he would for a battlefield. His “high and tight” hairstyle will be one of the only buzz cuts in Congress. He plans to carry […]


Facts Arabs Would Rather Not Admit Victor Sharpe Print This E-mail This ShareThis Comments (0) Statue of Maimonides at Cordoba, Spain. I was complimented the other day by a reader of one of my recent articles, titled, Lies, Myths and Obama, which dealt – as many of them do – with the history of Israel: […]

RACHEL EHRENFELD: A MODERATE MOSLEM…..NOT On her recent visit to Malaysia, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke at the International Institute for Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), at the International Islamic University (IIUM) in Kuala Lupmur. The IIUM’s website clearly states that the reason for the establishment of the university in 1983, “was a fulfillment of one of […]

FIDEL AND CHE AND THEIR AMERICAN FAN CLUB: HUMBERTO FONTOVA Happy Thanksgiving! (From Fidel and Che) Posted By Humberto Fontova “God Bless you, Fidel,” boomed Pastor Calvin Butts of Harlem’s Abyssinian Baptist Church while introducing Castro on another New York visit four years later. The People’s Weekly World described Castro’s visit as such: “The audience which included New York Democratic representatives Charles Rangel enthusiastically […]


Israel’s Referendum Law: Protecting Democracy  P. David Hornik With the near-nonexistent Israeli-Palestinian diplomatic process at a standstill, despite reports last week about a U.S.-Israeli deal (involving 20 warplanes) aimed at enticing the Palestinians back to the table, this week Israel’s Knesset passed a major law [1] affecting prospective future deal-making with the Palestinians or […]

PASTOR JOHN HAGEE: ISRAEL’S FIGHT IS OUR FIGHT ***** [Editors’ Note: Below is a speech given by Pastor John C. Hagee at the Restoration Weekend event hosted this past weekend by the David Horowitz Freedom Center in Palm Beach, Florida.] Introduction by Dr. Bob: Thank you, Andrew, and good evening, everyone. John C. Hagee is a remarkable man, with many talents.  He is […]

JOHN BOLTON ON NORTH KOREA….NO SURPRISE NO POLICY,0,3330920.story Nuclear blinders North Korea’s newly revealed nuclear facility should surprise no one, and Washington must no longer be played for a fool. The U.S. should work with China on reunifying the Korean peninsula. “Stunning” was how Siegfried Hecker, former head of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, described North Korea’s new uranium-enrichment facility. While more […]

ANOTHER TAKE: LET’S GIVE THANKS TO THE TSA By Marc A. Thiessen In the coming days, millions of Americans will travel to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends. May I pose a novel idea? As we go through the airport screening line, let’s stop and say “thanks” to the men and women of the TSA who give up time with […]

ANDREW McCARTHY: THE TSA IS TERRIBLE…NO REASON TO TREAT EVERYONE LIKE A TERRORIST “The officials whose job it is to protect us have decided to protect Muslim sensibilities by treating every American as a suspected mass-murderer. To feel better about themselves, to inoculate themselves from bogus charges of racism and Islamophobia, they have decided to mortify everyone.” TSA Is TerribleThere is no reason to treat everybody like […]

PHILLIPE KARSENTY AND THE AL DURA HOAX….AN INTERVIEW A Child Is Not Dead: Philippe Karsenty and the Al Dura Hoax Posted By Mark Tapson On September 30, 2000, Charles Enderlin, the Israel bureau chief of the France 2 television network, received an urgent call from his cameraman. It was the beginning of the second Palestinian intifada, and Talal Abu Rahma claimed to […]