The Palestinian Authority: Hypocricy, Lies and Double Talk by Khaled Abu Toameh Documents revealed by Al-Jazeera, the popular and influential Qatari-owned TV network, have reconfirmed the widely believed perception that the Palestinian Authority speaks in more than one voice. These documents expose the Palestinian leadership’s double standards and hypocrisy. They show that the Palestinian […]


An Open letter to Vladimir Putin from President Shimon Peres:  STEVE PLAUT January 25, 2011 To: Mr. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation From:  Shimon Peres, hero of peace Re:  Those protests this week at the Moscow Airport by Activists and Militants My heartfelt sympathies to you and the […]

THE SULTAN: IN THE CROSSHAIRS OF THE SPEECH POLICE In the Crosshairs of the Speech Police In the weeks since the Arizona massacre, the media has revealed a preoccupation with language almost as intense as the one that motivated her shooter. Loughner’s obsession with Congresswoman Giffords seems to have begun in 2007 when she mockingly replied to his question, “How do you know […]

SO WEAK AND NETTLESOME…SOTU…. Weak and Nettlesome “But the mullahs laugh outright at our empty threats. One lovely meal “of chicken saltimbocca with smoked tomato squash, steamed seabass, ravioli, baldo pilaf, grilled vegetables and deserts” down—after all, even tieless Persian thugseat like a nice piece of fish before they eat us for lunch—and it’s back to Natanz with […]

MELANIE PHILLIPS: “PALARAB PAPERS” HAS ARABS SCRAMBLING TO SHOW THEY REMAIN TRUE TO THEIR GENOCIDAL CAUSE: MELANIE PHILLIPS “And either way, the paper has in turn stuffed its friends the Palestinians, now scrambling desperately to show the Arab street that they remain true to their genocidal cause.” There are two ways of reading the Guardian’s ‘Palestine Papers’, the swathe of Wikileaks-style ‘leaked’ diplomatic records supposedly chronicling the negotiations that have taken place […]

THE REAL THREAT OF GOVERNMENT HEALTHCARE RATIONING About Those Death Panels . . . The very real threat of government health care rationing. WESLEY J. SMITH When Sarah Palin warned that Obamacare could lead to medical rationing and “death panels,” supporters were outraged. Alarmism! they roared. A lie! Right-wing propaganda! Alas for supporters of the Patient Protection  and Affordable Care Act, […]

RACHEL EHRENFELD: CONGRESS SHOULD STOP FUNDING UNRWA Congress Should Stop Funding UNRWA Dr. Rachel Ehrenfeld The House Foreign Affairs Committee will hold hearing today on “The United Nations: Urgent Problems that Need Congressional Action,” including recommendations to stop funding the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). Perhaps now that the U.S. debt crossed 14 Trillion dollars, would be a good time to stop funding this corrupt […]


Dialogue and Deceit Posted By Nichole Hungerford URL to article: The psychological war against Israel is silently securing a foothold in the U.S. before our very eyes.  The latest example is a controversial student program known as the Olive Tree Initiative (OTI), which has bamboozled many peace-minded individuals, even those in the usually vigilant […]

REP. MIKE PENCE….WILL HE RUN FOR THE WHITE HOUSE OR THE STATE HOUSE? Meet the Conservatives Hoping to Sway Mike Pence’s Decision By Jim Geraghty Will Rep. Mike Pence (R., Ind.) run for president? His allies have indicated in the past that a decision on whether to run for the presidency or the governorship of his home state would come at the end of January. One of the […]

ANDREW BOSTOM:LARS HEDEGAARD: DEFENDING FREE SPEECH FROM WESTERN ENABLERS OF TOTALITARIAN ISLAM Lars Hedegaard: Defending Free Speech from Western Enablers of Totalitarian Islam :Andrew G. Bostom The Kafka-esque trial proceedings against Danish journalist and historian Lars Hedegaard today included a final statement by the defendant. Next Monday (January 31,2011) the (pre-ordained) verdict will be handed down. What follows are Mr. Hedegaard’s courageous and illuminating, if depressing, […]