The Occupied Territories Revisited: the Doctrine of Defensible Borders By Harry Kanigel It’s a puzzle – isn’t it? A a tiny state of a few million industrious souls is viewed as a truculent, sneering imperialist bully. Surely there’s a story behind such a cognitive burr. Why would we dispute the morality of a nation […]
Morning Bits By Jennifer Rubin Joe Miller starts 2011 without his futile Senate race challenge. China starts 2011 where it left off. “With the New START treaty ratified, the Obama administration can turn its attention to the real source of nuclear instability among the great powers: China’s buildup of conventional ballistic missiles. The latest […] Posted by Ned May In the first week of December, our Austrian correspondent Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff was part of a delegation from the European Counterjihad, including members of the “New Right” nationalist parties, who visited Israel. Her report is below. (Sarah, the guide [left], ESW translating. Credit: nockerl, Politically Incorrect) Israel, 2010: A European Perspective […] “I accuse the millions of supposedly moderate Muslims among us; those who’ve been growing more and more prejudiced, inclusive and narrow minded with every passing year” Common sense, articulated courageously. “J’accuse,” by Hani Shukrallah in AhramOnline, J’accuse Hani Shukrallah, Saturday 1 Jan 2011 Hypocrisy and good intentions will not stop the next massacre. Only […] Obama condemns Egypt church attack without naming perpetrators, says Muslims were injured also “The perpetrators of this attack” — who were they, Mr. President? Christian extremists? Tea party types? “The attack on a church in Alexandria, Egypt caused 21 reported deaths and dozens of injured from both the Christian and Muslim communities.” Yet he […] Who Will Protect the People from the Unions? It is often forgotten that one of the causes of the evolution of the modern American urban union was the lawless suppression of workers by Democratic party affiliated political machines, and yet it did not take so very long before the union became an outgrowth of […]
Hate crimes across the state see 14 percent spike in 2009 By FREDRIC U. DICKER ALBANY – Hate crimes across New York State spiked 14 percent in 2009 led by an increase in attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions, state records released yesterday show. There were 683 hate crimes reported to police authorities across […]
Judaeophobia vs Islamophobia Posted By Phyllis Chesler Although he was loyal to a Middle Eastern country, the American military hired him as an intelligence officer and translator anyway—partly because he knew an important Middle East language. Nevertheless, he was a poor choice. This man passed classified documents to “insurgents” in Iraq who were battling […]
December 30, 2010 Week’s worth of stories censored by NY Times, Wash. Post Leo Rennert The following stories — in the span of a week — were widely disseminated. But none made it into the news pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post. It’s all too familiar pattern that points to […]
Can you imagine the following: On the eve of the Normandy Invasion, a defense department apparatchik or a member of Congress leaks the plans to the media? Impossible right? So here’s a hint to Israeli loud mouths who speak about the impending strike on Iran. Just shut up…Shush!