The Internationally Recognised State of Palestine – Not All it Seems? The following article, obtained from the antipodean J-Wire news service, is by David Singer, a Sydney lawyer and international affairs analyst, and is entitled “Palestine – Lawyers, Hot Air and no Clothes”: John V Whitbeck – described as “an international lawyer who has […] Emmett Tyrrell There Is Always Fidel WASHINGTON — Next week marks the 52nd anniversary of Fidel Castro’s arrival to his Cuban throne. I cannot wait to see how it will be solemnized. Will little children appear before Fidel throwing flowers? They’d better not throw them too hard. He is pretty frail. Will there be […] Sarah Palin deserves an apology. When she said that the new health-care law would lead to “death panels” deciding who gets life-saving treatment and who does not, she was roundly denounced and ridiculed. Now we learn, courtesy of one of the ridiculers — The New York Times — that she was right. Under a […] Climate Depot Wins Another Award! Daily Caller: Climate Depot Shares ‘2010 Award for Political Incorrectness’ with Sen. Inhofe! Daily Caller: ‘Morano, possessed of a rapier-like wit, is the master of parody and satire…Pay a visit to Morano’s website and you’ll surely be rewarded with a politically incorrect belly-laugh, all at the expense of the […] Bloomberg’s Snow Job Had Mayor Bloomberg spent as much time preparing for a massive snowfall, as he did promoting the construction of the Ground Zero Mosque, New Yorkers might have been able to get to work, receive emergency help and be able to walk down the street without injury. But the Mayor who spent […]
by Herbert I. London Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, recently said there are “new ways of deterrence that address those factors that make individuals vulnerable to coercion…”. He noted, in a speech delivered to the Hoover Institution, that the Taliban, Hamas, Hezbollah, and al Qaida can be deterred by […]
Spain Goes on Mosque-Building Spree Churches Forced to Close by Soeren Kern The city of Barcelona, widely known as a European Mecca of anti-clerical postmodernism, has agreed to build an official mega-mosque with a capacity for thousands of Muslim worshipers. The new structure would rival the massive Islamic Cultural Center in Madrid, currently the […]
Hello, I have edited and uploaded on YouTube a new video, which shows the horrendous situation that prevails in Poissonniers street, each Friday. This video was shot on Friday, December 10th, between 01:10 PM and 01:25 PM : Poissonniers street crosses Myrha street, in the 18th district of Paris, called “Barbès”. You will see […] The Christian Science Monitor – WikiLeaks cable reveals how a Brazilian ‘terrorist’ got a US visa last year By Stephen Bodzin, Correspondent WikiLeaks on Tuesday released a secret cable that reveals how a Brazilian ‘terrorist’ got a US visa last year. But the question remains: Did the move amount to a policy change by […]
Palestinians Draft UN Resolution Against Israeli Settlements Eli E. Hertz Calls for a freeze on Jewish construction in disputed Territories – while Arab construction, which far exceeds Jewish development, continues unfettered – are clearly biased.Arabs claim that Jewish settlements “change the status” of the Territories and represent a distortion of the Oslo Accords. The […]