IT IS A MOSQUE…NOT A “CENTER” AT GROUND ZERO Raw Story: Geller and Spencer hoodwinked the public into believing that the Ground Zero Mosque is a Ground Zero Mosque Leftist pseudo-journalist/propagandist David Edwards uses a suspicious story about a domed church in Arizona that people are supposedly “fearing” because they think it is a mosque to claim that “Islamophobia” is reaching a fever […]


– FrontPage Magazine – – Christian Massacre in Baghdad Posted By Ryan Mauro On October 31, Al-Qaeda attacked a church in Baghdad, killing at least 58 people. Since then, two more attacks [1] have been carried out on Christians in Iraq’s capital city. The increased persecution of Christians in the Islamic world is partly […]

AN EXTREMIST SHARIA MAKEOVER An Extremist Sharia Makeover: JOE KAUFMAN For the past month-and-a-half, the Islamic Society of Milwaukee (ISM) has been sponsoring a program attempting to whitewash the effect that Sharia law, if implemented, would have on American society. Teaching the courses was Zulfiqar Ali Shah, an individual tied to various radical Muslim groups, including a Hamas […]

HUMBERTO FONTOVA: CASTRO’S VIDEO GAME OUTRAGE Castro’s Video Game Outrage HUMBERTO FONTOVA The legendary CIA assassination attempts against Fidel Castro have inspired a video game titled “Call of Duty: Black Ops,” which racked up $360 million in its first day on sale — a new record for video games. The objective of the game is to kill Castro. Needless to […]

THE SULTAN: LEAVE THE UNITED NATIONS IF YOU WANT HUMAN RIGHTS Want Human Rights? Leave the United Nations Good news everybody. Saudi Arabia now has a seat on the women’s board at the United Nations. That’s right, a regime where it’s illegal for women to drive or leave the house without being accompanied by a male guardian, where girls were pushed into a burning building […]

JAN SCHAKOWSKY’S LACK OF PRINCIPLES…..NO SURPRISE HERE Stephen Spruiell THE J STREET QUEEN WHO JUST GOT RE-ELECTED AGAINST JOEL POLLAK THE BEST AND BRIGHTEST CANDIDATE ….RSK Schakowsky’s Lack of Principle The Illinois Democrat has proposed a deficit-reduction plan that would achieve the opposite of its supposed purposes. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D., Ill.) has come out with her own alternative to the […]

GOVERNOR JINDAL OF NEW ORLEANS: AMERICAN RIGHTS AND AMERICAN RESPONSIBILITIES “Yet today there are still some people who want to harp on America’s limits. They still say that our best days are behind us. These big-government advocates tell us their failures are the best Americans can do. Forget cooking up anything new — let’s just divide the old American pie into smaller, equally unsatisfying […]


DOJ’s Military Voting Mess Continues Post-Election, but Congress Now Paying Attention  J. Christian Adams URL to article: The military voting mess of 2010 isn’t over. In some states, ballots continue to roll in. Whether or not these late ballots will be counted remains to be seen. I have learned that voters deployed across Iraq […]

DAVID SOLWAY: THE GUEST WHO EXPROPRIATES YOUR HOUSE**** The West and the Guest Posted By David Solway Let’s start with a simple thought experiment. You invite a guest into your house, give him a room, and make all your facilities available to him. You find him a job — it might be one that needs to be done, it might not — […]

AN HONEST LOOK: ISRAEL AND ANTISEMITISM Israel and anti-Semitism Jerry Philipson The notion that Israel’s existence and behavior is a precipitating factor in ant-Semitism around the globe, especially in Islamic countries, is dead wrong. So is the notion that anti-Semitism cannot be addressed without considering Israel’s role. Virulent anti-Semitism existed for literally thousands of years before Israel was born. Israel […]