Israeli diplomat ambushed by NY Times staff Sunday, December 26, 2010 | Israel Today Staff The New York Times, flagship of the liberal American media, has never been a friend of the Jewish state. But the newspaper’s aversion to Israel turned to open hostility this month when its top editors ambushed and tore into […] Midnight Money for Durban III Posted By Claudia Rosett At the United Nations, plans for Durban III roll on. In a vote just after midnight, the United Nations General Assembly said A-OK to spending money on this conference — yet another staging of the anti-American, anti-Semitic UN roadshow that opened in Durban, South Africa, […] The Palestinian Agenda: End Israel, Not Found a StatePosted By David Solway “Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority names streets, public squares and buildings after terrorists, indoctrinates its school children in the hatred of Israel, and glorifies “martyrdom” operations against Israeli civilians. The Palestinian calculus should be plain to all who have not yet succumbed to […] NB: It might be helpful if any concerned readers passed this article on to the relevant people on the boards of Yahoo and the Associated Press. Earlier this week, Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Israel, announced that it had identified four million of the six million victims of the Holocaust. The project to […] Why the West Must Realize Brazil is a “Communist” Country Most Western commentators claim that there are only a few communist countries left on the planet. This huge mistake occurs, because these naive souls fail to distinguish observable economic polies, with foreign policy goals and long term strategic objectives. The rationale goes -“well country […] Friday Afternoon Roundup – Hijacking the Internet There has been a good deal of talk about Net Neutrality, but the Clinton Administration’s internationalization of ICANN means that there’s a much more serious threat to freedom of speech on the internet than even the FCC. A threat that hardly anyone is talking about. Here’s a […]
FIRST: CHECK OUT THE GROWING POVERTY LEVELS IN HAWAII….GEEZ MAYBE THAT SHOULD BE A PRIORITY FOR THE GOVERNOR HUH? HE COULD DEAL THE “BIRTHERS” THE FINAL BLOW BY JUST RELEASING THE RECORDS AND THEN GET TO THE BUSINESS OF GOVERNING….RSL HONOLULU (AP) – US Census Bureau figures show the number of people living in […] PSST! WHAT EXACTLY IS THE “ARMED WING” OF A TERRORIST GANG?…DO THESE GUYS LOOK LIKE THEY ARE “PARTNERS” FOR NEGOTIATIONS?…..RSK AFP – Abu Abida, the spokesman for the armed wing of the Islamist movement Hamas, Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades GAZA CITY, Palestinian Territories (AFP) – The Islamist Hamas is observing a truce with Israel but is also […] Playing Chicken In 2008, Tyson Foods accommodated Muslim workers, granting them time off for the religious holiday of Eid-al-Fitr. At the time, Robert Spencer caught hell from erstwhile allies such as Allahpundit for “crossing the line” between resistance to jihad and supposed anti-Muslim bigotry. Negotiating this invisible line has been a really difficult issue […] U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon announced Friday that one of the United Nations’ top goals in 2011 will be bettering living conditions in the Gaza Strip and forcing Israel to end all “settlement” construction in Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem. You couldn’t make it up. Pressuring Israel is the U.N.’s top goal for […]