The Strange Survival of the Arab Autocracies by Fouad Ajami NOT A SINGLE MENTION OF THE RESURGENT ISLAM IN ALL THE ARAB STATES; NO MENTION OF THE MOSLEM BROTHERHOOD, WAHABBISM,SHARIA? STRANGELY ABSENT HERE…..RSK Five years ago, it felt like the democratic springtime of the Arabs. But no longer. Five or six years ago, it […] “We Arabs Are Not Terrorists! … The West Is the Terrorist!” I was looking for an intelligent discussion on what defines terrorism, but apparently Gaza wasn’t the best place to look… Okay fine, I wasn’t really expecting an intelligent discussion. In fact, what follows is pretty much what you would expect from the angry, […]
Remembering Israel’s Victims of Terror Posted By Jamie Glazov URL to article: Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Therese Zrihen-Dvir, an author who was born in Morocco and has been living in Israel since 1967 (except for a five-year excursion to Canada). Her academic training is in French literature and the arts. Her published works […] Those Damn Rich People Frank Salvato Print This E-mail This ShareThis Comments (0) Throughout the debate over the extension of the tax rates, aka the Bush tax cuts, we have witnessed a concerted effort by Democrats and Progressives to demonize the wealthy. This demonization has crossed over into the on-going argument over the Estate […] The Canary in the Gold Mine Posted By David Solway It has become a cliché by this time that Israel is the canary in the coal mine, signaling to those still on the surface, that is, those who believe they are above the fray, the dangers that await in the future if precautions are […]
Poll Reveals Support for Islamism and Its Goals Posted By Barry Rubin URL to article: There’s a lot of interesting material in the Pew Research Center´s latest poll [1] of the Middle East, a survey that focuses on attitudes toward Islamism and revolutionary Islamist groups. The analysis that accompanies the poll, however, is often […] WaPo reports on Palestinian incitement Leo Rennert In its Dec. 16 edition, the Washington Post features a page-one article by Jerusalem Correspondent Janine Zacharia, with the following headline: “Palestinian Authority reins in radical imams.” Zacharia reports that the PA’s minister of religious affairs last year issued an order to West Bank imams on the […] By Habib Battah From her crumbling fourth floor apartment, Lisa Nahmoud gazes at the opulent palace of her new neighbour, Lebanon’s billionaire prime minister, Saad al-Hariri. The multi-level complex with beige granite facades and Ottoman style arcades lies only metres from Lisa’s shrapnel pierced building. “Doesn’t he ever see me,” she wonders, before lighting another […] REMEMBER THE OLD SAW “IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT A MAN IS THINKING….LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAYS….”RSK “When Western leaders put political correctness ahead of security, Guandolo said, the Brotherhood has succeeded in furthering its “civilization-jihadist” goals “by their hands.” After centuries of warfare in which secrecy and espionage often made the difference […] The Beauty, the Beasts, and Birobidjan General Sir John Monash (1865-1931), the son of German-born parents and a civil engineer by profession, commanded Australia’s Expeditionary Forces during the First World War. The grandson of a well-known printer/publisher in Krotoszyn, Baer Loebel Monasch, and nephew by marriage to the great historian Heinrich Graetz, he was […]