MAJOR DICK WINTERS WHO LED EASY COMPANY IN WW11: RIP The Eagle Flies Posted By Richard Fernandez Major Dick Winters [1], who led Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 2nd Battalion died on January 2, 2011 at 92.  He was buried today [2] at a private ceremony.  Easy was part of the Airborne spearhead on D-Day. It campaigned in France, in the Low Countries […]

KEVIN MYERS: HOW MANY MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS CAN A SOCIETY TAKE AND STILL RETAIN THE QUALITIES THAT MAKE IT AN ATTRACTIVE SOCIETY? By Kevin Myers YOU really can take your pick from the interconnected headlines of the past fortnight: the church-massacres of Christians in Egypt and Iraq by al-Qa’ida, and the murder of the governor of the Punjab, followed by a petition of support for his killer from 500 “moderate” Islamic scholars in Pakistan. Closer to […]


The ‘peace machine’ failed Op-ed: For Arabs, ‘back to the future’ means return to 1948, genocide of Jews, Israel’s elimination,7340,L-4011111,00.html Theoretically, had the peace machine worked correctly, and everyone played their roles and lightening struck the clock tower at the right time, past mistakes would be corrected and the world would be transported into […]


Will Conservative Media Elites Defend Lars Hedegaard? (Including, “A Guide for the Islamically-Perplexed”) January 10th, 2011 (43 seconds ago) by Andrew Bostom | No Comments 0 visitors have read this article This essay is also posted at Pajamas Media: Conservative Free Speech Diehards—or Blowhards? This past Friday, 1/7/11, I received a plaintive appeal on behalf […]

JARED LOUGHNER AND THE CULTURE OF IRRESPONSIBILITY: THE SULTAN Jared Loughner and the Culture of Irresponsibility There has not been a single act of Muslim violence in the last two years that the media was willing to identify as motivated by Islam. Each and every time they had to be dragged kicking and screaming, past their cover stories, through groundless claims that the […]

DER SPIEGEL WEIGHS IN ON THE TUCSON TRAGEDY BLAME GAME,1518,738627,00.html America’s Misguided Debate Blaming Sarah Palin for Arizona Shooting Is Wrong by Marc Hujer Of all people, it is precisely those who have complained the loudest about the culture of debate — about the rhetoric of the Tea Party, the right wing’s harsh words and the baseless Obama-Hitler comparisons — who are now poisoning the debate […]

MICHAEL MUKASEY, TOM RIDGE, RUDY GIULIANI AND FRANCES TOWNSEND WEIGH IN ON DISSIDENT IRAN GROUP MEK Is Not a Terrorist Group The material-support statute is fine; the designation is the problem. The moral of this story may be that sometimes it’s better not to have friends, especially the sort with easy access to the op-ed page of the New York Times, or “The Newspaper of Record,” as it sometimes […]

ROGER KIMBALL: CONSERVATIVES IN THE CROSSHAIRS in the Crosshairs The Left is wrong to tie metaphorical violence to literal violence. It’s been only two days since a murderous rampage left six dead — including a nine-year-old child and federal judge John Roll — and 14 wounded, including Democratic congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot point-blank in the head and who, […]

THE BUENA VISTA MARXIST CLUB…..SO MUCH FOR CUBAN “REFORM” The Communist Party affirms that ‘central planning and not the market will be supreme.’ By JOSé AZEL With his characteristic intellectual wit, Cuban writer Carlos Alberto Montaner defines communism as “the time countries waste between capitalism and capitalism.” By this account, the Cuban government is now in its 52nd year of wasted time waiting […]

THE POLITICS OF BLOOD LIBEL AND THE ARIZONA TRAGEDY The Arizona Tragedy and the Politics of Blood Libel Those who purport to care about the tenor of political discourse don’t help civil debate when they seize on any pretext to call their political opponents accomplices to murder. By GLENN HARLAN REYNOLDS Shortly after November’s electoral defeat for the Democrats, pollster Mark Penn appeared […]