PAM MEISTER: THE MOVIE ABOUT MARGARET THATCHER…A HIT JOB? Margaret Thatcher Movie Script: A Hit Job? Pam Meister Author’s note: There are a couple of spoilers in this review. If you are dying to watch this movie when it is released in 2011 don’t read any further. When BH editor extraordinaire John Nolte asked me if I wanted to do a Sucker Punch review of the script […]

OBAMA’S DEPARTMENT OF INJUSTICE: PAMELA GELLER And so it begins. This is an outrage. An infidel was prosecuted by Obama’s Department of Justice and sent to jail for a year for saying in an email that he would “do WHATEVER it takes to eradicate Islam.” So what? A year in prison? A $3,000 fine? We witnessed a traitorous Department of […]

ANOTHER “MODERATE” CLERIC ARRESTED IN SAN DIEGO FOR AIDING JIHAD IN SOMALIA San Diego: Islamic cleric, preacher of nonviolence and tolerance, arrested for aiding jihad in Somalia Yet another Islamic cleric misunderstands the Religion of Peace™, even as he preached nonviolence and tolerance. One would almost start to suspect that Islam had a doctrine sanctioning religious deception*. Naah! That would be “Islamophobia”! “San Diego religious leader […]


Sharia Deceptions Posted By Robert Spencer URL to article: As Oklahoma has now voted to ban Sharia, and an openly pro-Sharia Imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is going ahead with plans to build a triumphal mega-mosque at Ground Zero, Sharia is more in the public consciousness than ever — and so Islamic supremacists such as […]

FLIGHT ATTENDANTS: COFFEE, TEA OR MILK BUT NO UNIONS!!! Big Labor lost its second election of the week on Wednesday when Delta Air Lines flight attendants rejected an offer to unionize. You can’t say the Obama Administration didn’t try to help. In May, the National Mediation Board rejiggered a 75-year-old interpretation of the Railway Labor Act in order to require a smaller percentage […]

SHLOMO GOREN THE WARRIOR RABBI……WONDERFUL !! The Warrior Rabbi By Aryeh Tepper Website for this image Praise of military virtue, prominent in the Bible, is almost non-existent in the Talmud, which, in the aftermath of the destruction of the Temple and the exile of the Jews by the Romans, either ignores wartime feats or re-interprets them as allegories of […]


Terror and infantilism On last night’s BBC Radio Four Moral Maze, on which I am a regular panellist and which you can listen to here, we discussed whether, in the light of the Yemeni ink cartridge plane bomb plot, we in the UK had got the balance right between liberty and security. Once again, […]

IBN WARRAQ: ISRAEL’S VICTIMS OF TERROR….MUSTREAD Terrorism’s Victims A journalist documents what Islamist attacks have done to Israelis. Giulio Meotti, who is neither an Israeli nor a Jew but a concerned and compassionate Italian journalist and author (his work has appeared in Il Foglio in Rome, the Wall Street Journal, and Commentary), has written A New Shoah, a necessary book on the […]

THE SHELLACKING THAT HUBRIS WROUGHT: RICH LOWRY Shellacking that Hubris Wrought “The party of no” was rewarded in “the election of no.” There may be no more deadly force in politics than hubris. It sneaks up on politicians at their weakest moments — the height of their success — and destroys them, sometimes slowly, sometimes spectacularly. Pres. Barack Obama is suffering […]


The Scandal of Military Voter Disenfranchisement Posted By Captain Samuel F. Wright, JAGC, USN (Ret.) URL to article: In a speech to the House of Commons on August 20, 1940, Prime Minister Winston Churchill said: The gratitude of every home in our island, in our empire, and indeed throughout the world, except in the […]