Regime Change: Repelling the DEI Assault on Higher Education Peter Wood *****

Criticism of American society for its inequitable treatment of blacks and other minority groups has become a focal point of American education at every level of instruction. Sometimes this criticism is historically well-grounded and tempered by recognition of social, political, and economic complexity. But more often this criticism veers into simplistic claims and fictions presented as fact. The latter sort of critique has become conspicuous in many of the nation’s public schools and has aroused opposition from esteemed historians and parents of all races and ethnicities who object to curricula and teaching practices that treat American society as fundamentally racist and therefore illegitimate. Similar complaints have been leveled at colleges and universities, including graduate schools of law, education, and medicine. But objections to the so-called “anti-racist” agenda in post-secondary education has not drawn nearly as much attention as it has in K-12 schools. In this essay I intend to address the critique of America on racial grounds mainly at the college and university level, but problems in the public schools will necessarily come into the picture.

Words Matter

America’s racial critics often disarm their opponents by using a vocabulary whose unassuming or technical demeanor hides radical meanings. Because many of these words and phrases are ambiguous, I will start by setting out these terms as I shall use them.

Anti-racism is a word contrived by Boston University professor Ibram X. Kendi. It looks as if it means ‘opposed to racism,’ but Kendi and his followers use it to mean racial favoritism towards blacks, deliberate discrimination against whites aimed at compensating for “systemic” racial injustice, and the suppression of all speech and action opposed to their preferred policies.

Systemic racism refers to the supposedly omnipresent racially disparate treatment built into institutions such as law, the real estate market, medical practice, and education. The proponents of the concept of systemic racism argue that it generally operates outside the awareness of white people or other beneficiaries of the privileges it confers on one group at the expense of another. Even individuals who decry racism and are free from any personal racial animus are thus part of systemically racist institutions.

Critical Race Theory (“CRT”) is a branch of neo-Marxist social analysis formulated by Harvard Law School professor Derrick Bell in the late 1970s and further developed by his colleague, Kimberlé Crenshaw. Bell and Crenshaw argued that the Civil Rights Movement had failed to reform American society in any fundamental way and that, rightly seen, all American institutions are systemically racist. CRT found a niche in academe among social theorists who hold that participants in a society seldom understand how the social order is actually structured and why it is that way. Most consequentially, CRT achieved substantial influence among scholars focusing on education, and in the curricula of education schools. Proponents of CRT see themselves as liberating people from their illusions by showing them that American institutions are built on and continue racial oppression. They also believe they have a duty to subordinate all activities of life, and especially education, to CRT’s dis-illusioning project.

Diversity was a doctrine first articulated by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell in a 1978 decision. Powell argued that colleges and universities might engage in some racial favoritism towards black students if the schools could show that this would advance the “intellectual diversity” of college classes and thus benefit all students regardless of race. Powell’s opinion was not supported by any other Justice at the time and thus lacked the force of law, but colleges and universities soon began to justify racial preferences in admissions by citing diversity. In time, the idea that racial “diversity” was a means to achieve “intellectual diversity” gave way to the widespread assumption that racial diversity is an end in itself. In 2003, the Supreme Court in a majority decision in the case of Grutter v. Bollinger agreed that “diversity” was an acceptable reason for racial preferences in college admissions, provided that the use of preferences was somewhat disguised.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“DEI”) is the contemporary expansion of the diversity doctrine. “Equity” replaces the older idea of individual equality under the law with the idea that all social goods should be distributed in proportion to each ethnic group’s size relative to the total population. “Inclusion,” which violates the principles of freedom of association and individual merit, requires the extension of group-identity quotas to every part of society, public and private. This fixation on group-identity extends beyond race, as the proponents of DEI increasingly write “gender identity” into institutional policy. DEI ideologues share with their “anti-racist” peers the habit of suppressing their critics rather than answering their criticisms.

Major Transgender Org to Recommend Lowering Age for Hormone Treatment, Surgeries By Zachary Evans

A transgender health organization will release new guidelines lowering its recommended age to receive gender-transition treatments.

Hormone treatments may begin at age 14, about two years younger than previously recommended, according to new guidelines from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. The group is expected to publish the new guidance in a medical journal sometime this year, and gave the Associated Press an advance copy of the recommendations.

In addition, some surgeries may be conducted at ages 15 or 17, about a year younger than previously recommended.

Dr. Eli Coleman, head of WPATH’s standards of care, consent of the parents and the maturity of the person who wants to transition should also be taken into account before making a decision to transition.

“Certainly there are adolescents that do not have the emotional or cognitive maturity to make an informed decision,” Coleman told the AP.

The news comes amid rising national debate on gender-transition procedures for minors, including attempts in several states to pass laws barring minors from undergoing gender-transition procedures. President Biden is set to sign an executive order on Wednesday in an attempt to counter such legislation.

‘Open Season’: Pro-Abortion Terrorist Group Vows to Ramp Up Violence against Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers By Caroline Downey

Pro-abortion terrorist group Jane’s Revenge, which has claimed credit for a string of recent attacks on pregnancy centers across the country, on Tuesday declared “open season” on pro-life organizations as the Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health draws closer.

In a statement posted by a radical leftist news website on Tuesday, the organization vowed to attack any pro-life group that “doesn’t close their doors.” Those pro-life organizations that do shut down will be spared, the group said, “but until you do, it’s open season, and we know where your operations are.”

“Through attacking, we find joy, courage, and strip the veneer of impenetrability held by these violent institutions,” the statement said. “Everyone with the urge to paint, to burn, to cut, to jam: now is the time. Go forth and manifest the things you wish to see.”

Jane’s Revenge took responsibility for the last week’s attack on a CompassCare pro-life Christian pregnancy facility in Buffalo, N.Y., in which it firebombed the office, shattering glass and torching the interior. They left the ominous message that’s been spray painted at the scene of other attacks across the country: “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either.”

The terrorist group also owned up to other recent incidents of intimidation in “Madison WI, Ft. Collins CO, Reisertown MA, Olympia WA, Des Moines IA, Lynwood WA, Washington DC, Ashville NC, Buffalo NY, Hollywood FL, Vancouver WA, Frederick MA, Denton TX, Gresham OR, Eugene OR, Portland OR, among others.”

“We work in countless locations invisibly,” the group said.

The Zombie War against Covid By Michael Brendan Dougherty

The last remaining restrictions on normal life are a national embarrassment.

This week, New York City finally made masks optional for children ages two to four in preschools or daycare facilities. They did so despite the fact that the ongoing requirement was clearly meant to be yet another inducement to get more people vaccinated for Covid, a disease that barely affects young children, and one they don’t spread as much as adults do. The vaccine-makers have had trouble showing worthwhile results in the youngest children, and in the meantime, many young children have acquired some immunity by getting sick with, and recovering from, Covid. New York City has finally given up on masks everywhere but on public transit.

The World Health Organization had never recommended masks for children below five years of age. The European Centers for Disease Control noted in its recommendations that young children have trouble wearing masks effectively, often drool into them, can easily become alienated from masked caregivers, and can suffer adverse social and developmental consequences from wearing them. Europeans trusted the science, and their children did roughly as well as Americans did. Better, in fact, because their school closures and disruptions were significantly less severe.

But in America, progressives trusted the science!, which is a very different thing. Mostly it’s about fear and neuroticism as a lifestyle choice, though occasionally it’s about using your child’s face as an anti–Ron DeSantis yard sign.

Not a single elected official in New York City or Los Angeles has ever even attempted to demonstrate with data that the policy of masking two-year-olds was achieving a public-health goal for the city that other people in their states, or in Europe, were foolishly forgoing. They don’t have to do this, because when you are trusting the science!, you don’t have to think or reflect on what you’re telling others to do.

The Biden Recession Has Arrived

“Joe Biden let it happen by following the awful advice of his White House advisers and the far-left Clown College he calls a Cabinet, possibly the most inept collection of political ideologues in our nation’s history. And that’s saying a lot.”

No doubt about it, the economic news in recent weeks has been relentlessly negative. Indicator after indicator shows activity plunging sharply in key parts of the economy. Now, a widely followed indicator signals economic growth is likely to be zero in the current quarter, after the first quarter’s “unexpected” 1.4% decline.

Buckle up, looks like we’re entering a recession, folks.

Let’s review just some of the economic carnage of recent days:

The Fed raised interest rates by 3/4 of a percentage point on Wednesday, the largest hike since 1994, as the central bank desperately tries to rein in our near-9% inflation rate.
Mortgage rates surged above 6%, the highest since 2008, a level that is likely to tank home sales and hit consumers’ pocketbooks hard as adjustable-rate mortgages move upward along with interest rates.
Producer prices soared at a 10.8% rate in May, an ominous sign of higher inflation for consumers down the road. That followed last week’s 8.6% yearly CPI number, the highest since 1981.
Retail sales fell 0.3% in May, but jumped 8.1% from a year earlier. A good sign? Hardly. Adjusted for CPI inflation, growth was minus 0.5%.
Small business optimism is its lowest ever, the National Federation of Independent Business said. This is key because small businesses are the No. 1 employer in America, usually first to hire in good times and first to fire in a slump.
“Meanwhile,” AP reports, “the national average price at the pump reached $5.01 per gallon on Tuesday, up from $4.45 a month ago, and surging more than 60% in one year.”
And before Wednesday, when the stock market rallied in relief that the Fed finally recognized the seriousness of the inflation problem, all of the post-Trump stock market gains had been erased.
The Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow indicator, a kind of running tab of GDP data, fell to zero on Wednesday. A rule of thumb says two or more quarters of zero or negative growth equals a recession. By that standard, the Biden recession is here.

Epic fail: Media apathy on attempted Kavanaugh murder shameful Joe Concha

It was one of the biggest and most disturbing stories of the year: An alleged assassination attempt of a Supreme Court justice was thwarted after a man was arrested outside the home of Brett Kavanaugh. If the alleged assailant had been successful, the country would have been further divided over the prospect of President Biden nominating another liberal justice to replace Kavanaugh. It also would have possibly triggered a copycat murder of another conservative justice to tip the balance of the high court to the left for years to come. 

Last week, Nicholas John Roske, 26, was charged with attempted murder of a Supreme Court justice. At the time of his arrest, Roske was carrying a black tactical chest rig, tactical knife, a Glock pistol, two magazines of ammunition, zip ties and pepper spray.  

And despite this major story, some lawmakers and journalists simply shrugged their collective shoulders at the plot. On the Sunday morning political shows, the assassination attempt wasn’t mentioned even once.

So, ask yourself this: If there were a murder attempt against Justice Sonia Sotomayor or Justice Elena Kagan or soon-to-be Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, would it be a top story? No doubt.

And then there’s social media, where Twitter somehow is allowing this tweet from the radical abortion rights organization Ruth Sent Us to remain on its platform:

“If you’re in the DC metro area, join us. Our protests at [Justice Amy Coney] Barrett’s home moved the needle to this coverage. Falls Church is a People of Praise stronghold. She sends her seven kids to a People of Praise school that she sat on the Board of Directors for. She attends church DAILY.”

Biden goes into cloud cuckoo land on inflation By Monica Showalter

“Biden is still blaming oil companies for the ongoing inflation, as if oil companies themselves were not subject to the higher transport, production, labor, and materials costs of taking oil out of the ground, vowing to punish them with “emergency powers” if they don’t pump more oil to increase supply.  He’s begging the Saudis to produce more oil, despite an amazing array of oil resources available in this country, production of which he has largely shut down, as well as the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada.  He’s also reportedly releasing another round of oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve as if the first huge release had had any effect.  It didn’t.  He’s blaming Russian president Vladimir Putin.  He’s blaming the global economy.  He’s blaming Republicans for not approving his latest spend-a-thons.What he’s not doing is addressing inflation itself and the runaway federal spending that created it.  It’s as if he doesn’t know, or thinks you don’t know.”

Joe Biden either is stupid or thinks you’re stupid.

Because how else does anyone explain a speech like this, to the supposed working stiffs of the AFL-CIO Tuesday?

Biden, visibly angry: “I don’t want to hear anymore of these lies about reckless spending. We’re changing people’s lives!”

— (@townhallcom) June 14, 2022

No more lies about reckless spending?  Here’s the whole thing:

WATCH LIVE: President Joe Biden speaks at AFL-CIO convention

— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) June 14, 2022

There’s plenty to dislike about this, from the 1940s proletarian vernacular to the heaping helping of old hokey Irish Catholic gesturing, as if the abortion president were actually Catholic and not a guy who plays one on TV for political benefit.

Why Have Negotiations? Shoshana Bryen

In December, the Biden administration quietly proposed a five-government summit to enhance prospects for the “two-state solution” it promotes as key to Middle East regional security. Israel, Jordan, Egypt, the Palestinian Authority and the United States would meet to discuss, discuss … discuss … what?

Israel apparently waited several months to see if something useful would materialize but has now said it will not participate. No surprise. Negotiations work best; in fact, they work only when the parties have a common endgame. Hashing out the mechanisms, concessions, policies, gains and losses is the way to get to an agreed-upon future. These five governments have no common view.

Israel sees the future in the Abraham Accords. Egypt, and even Jordan, recognize that Accords countries (plus, Saudi Arabia and a few others that are close but not yet there) have a plan that includes economic, social, political and security gains for all the parties. Most recently:

A free-trade agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates;
An Israeli orchestra played in Egypt;
MoUs by an Israeli tech delegation in Morocco;
The renovation of a Moroccan Jewish cemetery;
Israel’s Independence Day being marked (as a holiday!) in Bahrain and Morocco;
A security agreement and air overflight rights between Saudi Arabia and Israel;
Israel’s participation in CENTCOM plans and exercises to secure the Red Sea.

War among them is a relic of the past.

The Palestinian leadership, however, insists that the past is not only the past, but also the present and the future. Oddly, President Joe Biden and the U.S. State Department are doing nothing to disabuse them of the notion.

Liz Peek: Desperate Biden Goes Begging to Saudi Arabia

How humiliating. In mid-July, President Biden will travel to Saudi Arabia to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is that nation’s de facto ruler. That’s the same Mr. Biden who, on the campaign trail in 2020, called the oil superpower a “pariah” state and vowed to make sure “America does not check its values at the door to sell arms or buy oil.” 

Unless, apparently, polling suggests he really, really needs the oil. Such are the complications that arise when the president of the United States departs from decades-long relationships rooted in realpolitik and follows a childish urge to abandon every policy of his predecessor, even those that were unquestionably successful.

The lead-up to this planned sit-down has been an embarrassment. In March, MBS, as he is known, and his UAE counterpart, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan, refused to take a phone call from Mr. Biden. 

Imagine, the President of the United States sitting by the phone like a pimply teenager pining for that someone special to ring up. (The White House denied this report in the Wall Street Journal, saying that indeed Mr. Biden had spoken by phone with the “king”; that is called a non-denial denial.) 

Why would the UAE and Saudi rulers make Mr. Biden beg? Because the President has gone out of his way since his first week in the Oval Office to insult those two countries and let them know that agreements established under President Trump are null and void. 

Slow Joe goes to Israel By Barry Shaw

The dates have been fixed for Biden’s visit to the Middle East: July 13-16, and the schedule looks loaded with pitfalls for the fumbling president.

His visit to Israel coincides with the Opening Ceremony of the Maccabiah Games which is always covered live on Israeli TV. For many Israelis, who have low expectations, Biden’s visit will be a distraction. What can he deliver for Israel?

The only four items that Biden has been fixated on for 50 years are:

Stopping Jews living in Judea and Samaria,
Dividing Jerusalem our capital,
Pushing for a “two-state” non-solution, even if the other state will inevitably be controlled by Hamas,
Increasing U.S. taxpayer money to the unrepentant regressive corrupt Palestinian Authority. Biden ignores two U.S. laws banning such payments until the PA commits not to use the money to reward their terrorist killers.

We call it their “Pay to Slay” reward system. The more Jews you kill, the more money you get, courtesy of the funding from the United States, Europe, and the UN.

This obscenity has to stop, but under Biden the payments are increased.

After telling Israel he has our backs, he will meet Mahmoud Abbas, probably in Bethlehem, to tell him he has Biden’s full support and money, no strings attached.