Homegrown Hate Crimes Against our Troops By Michelle Malkin When jihad-bent American Muslims target American soldiers on American soil, why does America yawn? The Fort Hood massacre has faded from view. The Little Rock Army recruiting station ambush barely registered on the national radar screen. And the arrest this week of a Baltimore-area bomb […]
Wikileaks Exposes Obama’s Failure in Countering-Terrorism Yoram Ettinger SORRY BUT PRESIDENT BUSH WAS EQUALLY CULPABLE NEVER UNDERSTANDING THE THREAT OF HOME GROWN TERRORISM AND PERSEVERATING THE “RELIGION OF PEACE” DRIVEL….RSK Recently published Wikileaks documents expose the failure of President Obama’s counter-terrorism policy. While reaffirming a 1,400 years old Muslim track record, the documents refute […]
Egypt after Mubarak by Lee Smith Middle East Quarterly The Middle East Quarterly is pleased to inaugurate a new section dedicated to the region’s current affairs. Written by scholars, journalists, and practitioners, Dateline offers succinct analyses of recent trends. Its main focus will be capitals and flashpoints, but it will offer regular reporting from […] A burning madness Melanie Phillips When Turkey’s President Erdoğan offered help to Israel during the recent terrible fire in the Carmel Forest which killed upwards of some 41 people, deluded western souls who stubbornly persist in their belief that inside every Islamist fanatic beats a heart of melting butter took this as a signal […]
The Palestine question Op-ed: The Palestinian leap toward statehood is not only premature; it is immature Moshe Dann,7340,L-3996986,00.html The Palestinian end-run around Israel and the US to gain recognition as an independent, sovereign state was predictable. They realized that whatever Israel and the US put on the table was, for them, insufficient. That explains […] This week’s syndicated column: WikiLeaks is exposing the way our government conducts “business.” It is not a pretty process. Sometimes Uncle Sam limps along like a powerless giant, as when secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton vainly plead with China to stop facilitating the military rise of Iran. (But don’t let that […]
WikiLeaks: Sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll for Saudi youth By Ben Birnbaum Sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll dominate the underground nightlife in Saudi Arabia, according to a diplomatic cable released by the website WikiLeaks. “Saudi youth get to enjoy relative social freedom and indulge fleshly pursuits, but only behind closed doors — and […] HEATHER MURDOCK BEIRUT | Back in Sri Lanka, “Nilu” had long hair. But she wanted a home and a little money. So she followed in her mother’s footsteps and took a job as a maid in Lebanon. Six months later, she escaped. Her back was broken after she fell from a third-story window while […]
The ongoing denial of reality by Isi Leibler December 9, 2010 Were we living in a sane world, the events of the past few weeks, culminating with WikiLeaks, should have confirmed the veracity of our approach to the peace process. But, alas, much of the liberal global media has once again displayed its penchant […] NICE LETTER TO THE PREZ OF BRAZIL BY A WONDERFUL GENTLEMAN ELI HERTZ…..MY OWN NOTE IS SHORTER…. HEY LULA! GO TO HELL….SINCERELY, RUTH KING Re: Brazil’s Recognition of a Palestinian state on 1967 lines Mr. President, your decision to recognize a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders betrays your country’s historical commitment to safe […]