Biden’s Real Deficit And his calculated deceit about it. John Stossel

The president now brags that he cut the deficit!

“We’re on track,” he says, to have “the biggest decline in a single year ever in American history.”

It’s actually true.

But utterly deceitful.

President Joe Biden’s deficit will be down from last year, but that’s only because he spent such gargantuan amounts then.

For once, the media did not take his remarks at face value. Even CNN ran a “fact check” that quoted a Moody’s Analytics director saying, “The actions of the administration and Congress have undoubtedly resulted in higher deficits, not smaller ones.”

Much higher. Despite record tax revenues from last year’s booming stock markets, our national debt will increase by about $1 trillion.

Sadly, most people don’t care. These big numbers are too abstract. This will not end well.

ISIS Plotter in Hipster Brooklyn Proves Yet Again That Immigration Is a National Security Issue Why, exactly, is the Biden administration bringing jihad terrorists into the country? Robert Spencer

Dilkhayot Kasimov lived in Brooklyn, one of the nation’s leading hotspots for trendy young hipsters, but he had much more on his mind than checking out the street art scene in Bushwick or the Fort Greene Flea Market. Kasimov, 34, who was sentenced Friday to fifteen years in prison for aiding the Islamic State (ISIS), was involved in plots to strike within the United States, including possibly even killing Barack Obama. Dilkhayot Kasimov is a citizen of Uzbekistan, and so his case once again raises the question that Biden’s handlers steadfastly ignore: why is the U.S. bringing jihad terrorists into the country?

According to U.S. Attorney Richard Donoghue, Kasimov “was part of a conspiracy in which he willingly and eagerly sought to help fund a foreign fighter’s travel and expenses in Syria to wage violent jihad.” When Kasimov was sentenced Friday, Matthew Olsen, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, said: “Kasimov is an ISIS supporter who collected and gave money to another individual to fund his travel to join the terrorist group.” Breon Peace, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, explained: “Kasimov was part of a group of individuals who sought to travel to Syria to join ISIS or to fund others who sought to become foreign fighters for ISIS.” But Kasimov wasn’t interested only in Syria.

When Kasimov was convicted in September 2019, UPI reported that he “was named in an indictment that charged three other men in a plot to assist the Islamic State.” Kasimov’s accomplices, “Akhror Saidakhmetov, Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev and Abror Habibov planned to travel to Turkey and then to Syria to assist the IS.” They also had a Plan B: “If their plan was not successful, they allegedly planned terrorist attacks on the United States. The men were each charged with conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization, conspiracy and travel document fraud.” They “came to the attention of law enforcement in August 2014 after they allegedly posted on a Uzbek-language, pro-IS website saying they would kill former President Barack Obama if ordered by the IS. The plans included placing bombs on Coney Island.”

Solar Panels: Biden’s ‘Buy China’ Plan by Gordon G. Chang

Beijing set out to destroy the American solar panel industry with subsidies that allowed Chinese companies to sell below the cost of manufacture — and, with the help of a series of neglectful American presidents, it largely succeeded.

Americans workers cannot compete with slaves. Chinese solar panels are often made with what is politely termed “forced labor,” Uighurs and other captive Turkic minorities transported around China to factories resembling concentration camps.

Now, thanks to Biden, products built by forced or slave labor will find their way into the United States tariff-free. Chinese producers have been shipping China-made products into Southeast Asian countries — most notably Vietnam — and exporting them to the U.S. with labels falsely showing manufacture in those other countries.

Biden “has opened the door wide for Chinese-funded special interests to defeat the fair application of U.S. trade law.” — Mamun Rashid, Auxin Solar’s CEO, NBC News, June 6, 2022.

“We have not invested in building up American capacity the way we should, and we have not addressed China’s repeated cheating,” [Senator Sherrod] Brown [D-Ohio] stated. “On all these decisions, American solar manufacturers and their workers must be at the table.” Biden, unfortunately, has taken away the seats of these domestic stakeholders.

The second implication is even more important. Biden with his tariff waiver, dog-whistled to American manufacturers to keep factories in China.

Biden always says he wants to support American manufacturers, but he keeps making decisions favoring Chinese workers. He did that June 6 when, with a single stroke of his pen, he devastated a U.S. industry, undermined the American legal system, and promoted slave labor in China.

On June 6, President Joe Biden, declaring a national emergency, granted a 24-month tariff exemption for solar cells and modules from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.

The biggest beneficiary of Biden’s move is none of those countries. It is China. The biggest victim is America.

We Salute Our Treasured Flag by Lawrence Kadish

Today, June 14, is Flag Day across the United States.

It is a day that should compel us to pause, fly our nation’s flag from our homes, businesses, and public spaces in recognition of what our flag represents. Simply put, it has been a symbol of hope, freedom, and opportunity for hundreds of millions of people throughout the generations.

When our immigrant forefathers arrived at Ellis Island in hopes of starting a new life, many clutched small American flags in their hands. Today, newly sworn-in American citizens leave the ceremony proudly holding the colors of their newly adopted country: red, white, and blue.

When Americans liberated Western Europe during World War II, overjoyed civilians found the means to create handmade American flags, then draped them out their windows. It reflected their heartfelt appreciation that they were being rescued from the horrors of the Third Reich; displaying the American flag was the most powerful means they had to acknowledge the sacrifice of American GIs.

Today, American flags are still poised on the surface of the moon, planted there by heroic Apollo astronauts who also left behind a plaque reminding eternity that we “came in peace for all mankind.” These symbols have allowed the world to reflect on the fact that that a bold American adventure achieved the unbelievable and that we came not in conquest but to further expand our shared understanding of the universe.

The Pledge of Allegiance we recite today has seen several variations over time, but each word is a reminder that our nation is profoundly different from those came before it.

Words and Consequences: ‘West Bank’ vs. Judaea and Samaria By Victor Sharpe

When did it become an accepted truism that peace between Israel and the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians requires that Israel give to them its very own Biblical birthright in the Jewish heartland? When did the Oslo Accords supersede the eternal possession of the Jewish people to that God-given heartland of Judea and Samaria, the territory a hostile world insists on calling by its illegitimate Jordanian name; the West Bank?  

Who are they who dare divide the land that the Almighty bequeathed to Abraham and to his descendants through Isaac and Jacob? Who are they who would give any part of tiny Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) to the alleged descendants of Ishmael, who possess vast territories throughout the Middle East and North Africa?

Judeophobes (aka Anti-Semites) may not like being told this, but the following facts are truths that cannot shrivel away.

Unlike the deeply appreciated last incumbent of the White House, President Donald J. Trump, too many previous U.S. presidents displayed pro-Muslim Arab policies, which created clear and present dangers to the very existence of the reborn Jewish state. It is thus with the present Democrat president, Joe Biden. He, like his malign handlers, should take note of Genesis 12:3.

And then there was Barack Hussein Obama, whose hatred of the Jewish state surpassed even that of the lamentable Jimmy Carter. Remember Obama’s Secretary of State, John Kerry? He came numerous times to pressure and threaten Israel, thus ushering in an even more baleful time for the embattled Jewish state.

Climate-Change Censorship: Phase Two Now Gina McCarthy tells Big Tech to stifle debate global-warming policy responses.

Progressives first demanded that social media platforms silence critics of climate alarmism. Now White House national climate adviser Gina McCarthy wants them to censor content on the costs of a force-fed green energy transition.

A few years ago, Facebook enlisted third-party “fact checkers” to review news stories about climate. That didn’t satisfy Democratic Senators who howled about a “loophole” for opinion pieces. Facebook then began appending fact-checks to op-eds, including by our contributors Bjorn Lomborg and Steven Koonin, that criticized apocalyptic climate models and studies. The goal was to restrict readership.

Now progressives are moving to censorship phase two, which is shutting down debate over climate “solutions.” “Now it’s not so much denying the problem,” Ms. McCarthy said in an Axios interview last Thursday. “What the industry is now doing is seeding doubt about the costs associated with [green energy] and whether they work or not.”

Ms. McCarthy cited the week-long power outage in Texas in February 2021. “The first thing we read in the paper was” that the blackouts occurred “because of those wind turbines,” she said. “That became the mantra.” In fact, most of the media immediately blamed climate change and fossil fuels.

The U.N.’s Apologist for Dictators Michelle Bachelet, the high commissioner for human rights, cares little about rights. By Mary Anastasia O’Grady

Humanitarians were up in arms last month when Michelle Bachelet, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, came away from a China tour spouting Beijing propaganda.

For those who fight for liberty in Cuba, the high commissioner’s performance was no surprise. During the Cold War she was on the side of the Soviets, and she’s a lifelong admirer of the Cuban revolution. Let’s face it: Human rights are not her thing.

According to Axios, the 70-year-old Ms. Bachelet “used Chinese government talking points to frame her remarks” on the situation in Xinjiang, where the regime has detained some one million Uyghurs and other minorities. Ms. Bachelet described China’s policies “as a form of ‘counter terrorism’ intended to combat ‘violent acts of extremism.’ She also referred to mass detention facilities as ‘vocational and educational training centers,’ the government’s euphemism for the camps,” Axios reported.

China seized on Ms. Bachelet’s words to its own advantage, with the consul general in Kolkata tweeting that Beijing was “not only vindicated, but justified” after the U.N. visit.

Biden Made His Own Mess Kyle Smith

The president was dealt an excellent hand and has played it terribly. He has no one to blame for the sorry state of his administration but himself.

You’d think someone whose career in national politics goes all the way back to 1972 would have noticed this, but apparently President Biden hasn’t: Unpopular presidents tend to complain that they were dealt a bad hand, and then grouse that the media are making things look worse than they are. But Biden was dealt an excellent hand; he has no excuses for the mess he’s in.

When Biden took office, the U.S. was already bouncing back from economic calamity, and tens of millions of vaccine doses were in the pipeline. If he had made smart decisions, the U.S. would be doing fine right now. Instead, he is the primary cause of the crises that are swamping his presidency. The media could scarcely be more inclined to spin things in his favor, and yet even they can’t entirely ignore the dispiriting facts.

A sympathetic-sounding author, Chris Whipple, who is writing a book about White House chiefs of staff, told NBC News that Team Biden “came in with the most daunting set of challenges arguably since Franklin D. Roosevelt, only to then be hit by a perfect storm of crises, from Ukraine to inflation to the supply chain to baby formula. What’s next? Locusts?” Biden has himself, according to the same NBC News story, been sympathetic to the why-am-I-so-unlucky view.

Biden’s Approval Rating Is Now Lowest In Gallup’s History

On day 487 in office, President Joe Biden set a new record. He has the lowest approval rating of all presidents at this point in their presidencies since Gallup started tracking this in 1945.

According to Gallup’s Presidential Job Approval Center, just 41% approve of the job Biden is doing. That’s worse than Gerald Ford, or Lyndon Johnson, or even Jimmy Carter on day 487. Much worse than Ronald Reagan, the Bushes, Bill Clinton, or Barack Obama.

To add insult to injury, Biden’s approval rating is now lower than Trump’s was at this point in Trump’s first term.

Biden’s oh-so-presidential response to his cratering support: he is “seething.”

Instead of accepting blame, Biden and his “inner circle” are blaming everyone around them, including the White House staff. Politico reports that: “Members of Biden’s inner circle, including first lady Jill Biden and the president’s sister, Valerie Biden Owens, have complained that West Wing staff has managed Biden with kid gloves, not putting him on the road more or allowing him to flash more of his genuine, relatable, albeit gaffe-prone self.”

Yeah, letting Biden be Biden will work.

A dangerous implosion of American politics Republican Congress facing a Democratic White House for two years would defer economic policy change until 2025 David Goldman

While working Americans suffer the worst decline in real income since the waning months of the Carter Administration, America’s political parties are in disarray with internal divisions almost as intense as the issues that have polarized “red state” and “blue state” America.

Neither party has a proposal – credible or otherwise – on the political agenda to alleviate the inflation that is crushing family income. And neither has the prospect of gaining a governing mandate, as opposed to a temporary majority.

It’s a national train wreck, and no one has a plan to stop it.

Unless his legal problems interfere, Donald Trump almost certainly will run for president again in 2024 and will be his party’s nominee. The Congressional commission investigating the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot may have gathered enough information to motivate federal charges against the former president, but that remains unclear.

Trump’s obsessive belief that the Democrats stole the 2020 election damages him. More ominous is that his economic policies contributed to the present disaster, and Trump has no thoughts on the subject apart from assigning the whole of the blame to Biden.