CONGRESSIONAL SCORECARD: THESE ARE THE CHAMPIONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY Center issues Congressional Scorecard; Peace Through Strength Platform shows way forward on national security Center for Security Policy | Oct 15, 2010 The Center for Security Policy today released its ninth National Security Scorecard evaluating the performance of members of the 111th Congress on matters of great importance to the security interests of the […]

THE PEACE PROCESS IS BACK….PREPARE FOR WAR…KHALED ABU TOAMEH The Peace Process is Back: Prepare for War by Khaled Abu Toameh Until recently, relations between Israel and the Palestinians seemed to be once again moving in the right direction. But just as life seemed to be returning to normal in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and Israelis and Palestinians were for the […]


Egypt Cuts a Deal: Christians Fed to Muslim ‘Lions’ by Raymond Ibrahim Hudson New York October 18, 2010 For centuries, the Copts — Egypt’s Christian, indigenous inhabitants — have been subject to persecution, discrimination, humiliation, and over all subjugation in their homeland (etymologically, “Copt” simply means “Egyptian”).  In the medieval era, such treatment was […]

4 MEN CONVICTED IN PLOT TO BOMB NYC SYNAGOGUES 4 Men Convicted in Plot to Blow Up New York Synagogues NEW YORK — Four men snared last year in an FBI sting were convicted Monday of plotting to blow up New York City synagogues and shoot down military planes with the help of a paid informant who convinced them he was a terror […]


Israel rebuked at United Nations. Will Security Council take action? By Howard LaFranchi Howard Lafranchi WHEN DID ‘UNDIVIDED JERUSALEM’ BECOME “ARAB EAST JERUSALEM”….NEXT WILL IT BE ARAB EAST TEL-AVIV?….RSK .Washington – Israel’s approval last week of 238 new Jewish housing units in Arab East Jerusalem provoked widespread condemnation in a United Nations Security Council session […]


Honing Terror’s Dialectic The dialectic of managed terror, attrition and threats of major conflict is growing in the Middle East. The client states in the region now are grouped into two clearly identifiable blocks one of which is escalating rhetoric and armaments at an alarming rate. One may lose oneself in everyday concerns and […]

ROCKY RACZKOWSKY FOR CONGRESS MICHIGAN DISTRICT 9: ELECTIONS ARE COMING Rocky Raczkowski Rocky grew up in Farmington Hills in the heart of the 9th Congressional District, graduating from Harrison High School. Fluent in three languages, Rocky earned a Bachelor of Arts in political science and psychology from Eastern Michigan University and went on to his Master’s studies at Central Michigan University while serving in […]

MELANIE PHILLIPS ON ISRAEL:CHANGE THE NARRATIVE On Israel: Change the Narrative Melanie Phillips ) Last weekend, I was a speaker at a huge CAMERA conference in Boston on the topic of the ‘war by other means’, the global campaign of demonization and delegitimization of Israel. CAMERA stands for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America. The work […]

ADRIAN MORGAN ON MERKEL AND MULTICULTURALISM,css.print/pub_detail.asp Merkel: “Multiculturalism Has Utterly Failed” The Editor This past weekend Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, has caused a sensation by declaring that “Multiculturalism Has Utterly Failed.” She was speaking at the “Deutschland Assembly,” a meeting for the youth division of her Christian Democratic Party (CDU) in Potsdam. When she finished her speech, she received […]

PALARAB FLAG AT THE PARTHENON Mere Rhetoric What is becoming to a city is manpower, to a body beauty, to a soul wisdom, to an action virtue, to a speech truth, and the opposites of these are unbecoming — Gorgias of Leontini, Encomium of Helen Merely Tweeted, “Greek Protesters Embrace Ottoman Traditions…” Edition By Omri Ceren Published: October 18, […]