Richard C. Holbrooke and the Situation in Pakistan and Afghanistan A Personal Opinion Yesterday the administration’s Special Envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard C. Holbrooke, died. On Friday, he had undergone an operation to repair a torn aorta, which was known to be a risky procedure with a low chance of survival. The 21-hour […] War of Words: Israel’s Fight Against Delegitimization: Moshe Dann Israel’s struggle to defend herself and survive is not only on the battlefield; it is also in the coliseum of public perception. Thrown into the same dungeon as South Africa 30 years ago, threatened with extinction by Arab countries and terrorist groups, Israel is portrayed […] No Labels and No Principles It’s fitting that No Labels, the new group launched by liberal Republicans and not very conservative Democrats, kicked off with Mayor Bloomberg, a liberal who ran as a Republican, because the Democratic line was already taken. Almost as fitting was the appearance of other transparty types like Charlie Crist […] No Christmas in Baghdad By Nina Shea “The obliteration from Iraq of its ancient Christian presence — and with it the reality of religious freedom and pluralism — is an unintended consequence of the U.S. invasion but has never been factored in as a U.S. strategic concern. There is no Obama policy, not even […]
Iain Murray & F. Vincent Vernuccio ‘The Enemy Within’ In the early 1980s, British prime minister Margaret Thatcher emerged victorious from a war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands that propelled her to a landslide victory in the 1983 general election. On July 19, 1984, she gave a speech to the assembled legislators of […] Sorkin Called Sarah Palin an ‘Idiot’? Comparing shooting a caribou to a snuff film is the ranting of an immature and morally confused mind. On CNN recently, screenwriter Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network, West Wing) called Sarah Palin an “idiot.” Let’s see to whom that label applies. Last week in the Huffington Post, Sorkin […],7340,L-3998756,00.html Opponents of Israel‘s legal and historical rights to Judea and Samaria raise a powerful and persuasive argument: Israel faces a “demographic crisis;” the Arab population between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River will soon outnumber that of the Jews, and the nature of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state is […]
Combating the Anti-Semitism of the BDS Movement Posted By Asaf Romirowsky URL to article: The latest attempt to boycott Israel on a North American college campus was made over hummus. The Strauss Group, Israeli co-owner (with PepsiCo) of Sabra brand hummus, supports the Golani and Givati brigades with gift packages, and was thus accused […] Gaza Flotilla Shakedown In the “Believe It Or Not” mega-farce of Middle East politics, the latest candidate for world-turned-upside-down is the story of Israel offering $100,000 apiece in compensation to the families of nine Turkish “activists” killed in May aboard the flagship of the flotilla that set out to break the Israeli blockade on […] Henry Kissinger’s Vile and Inexcusable Remarks to Nixon Posted By Ron Radosh EQUALLY INEXCUSABLE WAS KISSINGER’S DUPLICITY WITH ISRAEL…..AFTER THE 1973 WAR WHICH WAS A YOM KIPPUR :PEARL HARBOR SNEAK ATTACK….KISSINGER DEMANDED A TRUCE ON SADAT’S TERMS….WARNING ISRAEL OF A “REASSESSMENT” OF US/ISRAEL RELATIONS….AND HIS BLATHER ABOUT DETENTE WAS SO MISGUIDED AND FOOLISH….IT TOOK […]