No Labels = No Content By Jennifer Rubin The Post reports today from New York: A mishmash coalition of Democrats, Republicans and independents came together here Monday to launch a political organization that the members hope will change behavior in what they decried as an increasingly hyperpartisan system. No Labels will form a political […] On Dec. 9th, Shmuel would have turned 96. We remember his legacy. Remembering Shmuel By David IsaacRuth King, who runs the excellent Web site ‘Ruthfully Yours’ and was a close friend of Shmuel, once expressed astonishment when she learned that he read Ha’aretz, an Israeli newspaper whose editorial content is somewhere to the left […] The European Union No Innocent Bystander, No Honest Broker December 13, 2010 | Eli E. Hertz Europe seeks to play the role of neutral mediator in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Yet for a host of reasons – most of them self-serving – Europe has demonstrated a clear pro-Arab bias, including insensitivity to Israel’s security needs. […]
Click here: Virginia, Severance & Section 1501 – Maggie’s Farm,-Severance-Section-1501.html Virginia, Severance & Section 1501 A major question is, what are the effects of the Virginia federal district court ruling that the individual mandate within ObamaCare (officially titled PPACA) is unconstitutional? For now, and even if the Virginia ruling is eventually sustained by the […] By Leo Rennert, AMERICAN THINKER Secretary of State Clinton’s reset of U.S. Mideast peace strategy again tilts heavily against Israel. But give Team Obama credit for persistence. Having failed to advance the peace process by obsessing about Jewish settlements and demanding unilateral Israeli concessions up front, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton unveiled the administration’s […] Is Israel an Apartheid State?What You Don’t Know About Israel by Dr. Avi Perry Dr. Perry visited Israel and decided to check things out by himself. Israel’s enemies, critics, and even some far-left leaning Israelis equate the Jewish state to the South African Apartheid regime, claiming that Arabs in Israel and in the Palestinian […] Islam’s Jihad Against America Alan Caruba Muhammad, the self-proclaimed prophet of Allah, died in 632 AD. As historian James Carroll notes in his forthcoming book about Jerusalem, “The next year, only two years after the Byzantine Christians had reconquered Jerusalem…a mounted force of Bedouin fighters who revered the Prophet’s memory invaded the Byzantine-controlled territory […] Unraveling the Middle East’s Zero-Sum Mindset Mark Silverberg It is now clear why Mahmoud Abbas and his the Palestinian Authority have refused negotiations with Israel for more than a year even after Israel agreed to freeze Jewish construction in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. They have been busy working behind the scenes with South American leaders to obtain […] Rwanda’s Economic Miracle As America dithers, Rwanda follows the free-market path to prosperity. Kigali, Rwanda — It must puzzle Rwandans to watch the loud squabbling between and within America’s political parties over keeping old tax cuts for just two more years. President Obama on Tuesday defended his tax-cut deal with Republican lawmakers by calling […]
‘Bridges to Nowhere’America’s Unsavory Friends in Central Asia By Uwe Klussmann and Christian Neef,1518,734033,00.html The US is anxious to broaden its influence in Central Asia — and limit that of Russia. The result, however, are questionable alliances with some of the strangest despots in the world. The secret country assessment from the US Embassy in […]