Daniels’s Next Hurdle Cutting Indiana’s budget even further will be hard, but a newly Republican legislature will help. Right after the 2008 general election, in which Barack Obama became the first Democratic presidential candidate to win Indiana since Lyndon Johnson, Gov. Mitch Daniels decided it was the perfect time to stage a Republican comeback. His […] By Yuval Levin Entitlement Reform “Earlier this week, Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky (a Democrat, and one of the commission’s more liberal members) released her own plan, which mostly revealed a profound lack of seriousness among some liberal Democrats about deficit reduction.” President Obama’s deficit commission continues to surprise. On paper, it appears to be […] How to Reform Islam Self-criticism is the key. I have often argued that one of the redemptive graces of Western civilization is self-criticism, a deeply ingrained habit that has enabled Western man to reflect, to adjust, to improve his beliefs, to correct and change his situation — in short, to reform. The West has […] Obama’s Jerusalem Apartheid When Obama attacked Israel for building housing on Jewish owned land in Jerusalem, he was doing more than just pandering to his Muslim hosts with an obligatory dose of Israel bashing. He was diving once again into the ugly pool of bigotry, that first surfaced when he used Joe Biden as […] “The voters showed their loathing for the law on November 2, and a large, united legal front of states would increase the chances that the courts find it unconstitutional and preserve our federal system.” The historic state lawsuit against ObamaCare is moving through the federal courts, with 20 states so far on board the […] This Lame Duck Session Should Be the Last In 1933, Americans ratified the 20th Amendment to eliminate lame duck Congresses. For two decades Washington has been ignoring its intent. By BETSY MCCAUGHEY Americans ought to make this lame duck session of Congress the last in history. Members who lose re-election have no moral authority […]
HERE’S A CAVEAT TO KARL ROVE…..YOU HAVE CONTINUALLY MINIMIZED THE STRENGTH AND INFLUENCE OF THE TEA PARTY…..TO THE DETRIMENT OF YOUR PROGNOSTICATIONS…..RSK By KARL ROVE It has been a brutal month for President Obama. The historic electoral rebuke delivered to his party was followed at the G-20 meeting by a public rebuff of the […] Muslim schoolboys excluded for making death threats to troop-supporting classmate Six students have been excluded for making death threats to a classmate on Facebook – because he posted comments supporting BRITISH troops. Five Muslim boys, all aged 12, threatened to attack terrified Darius Gill, 13, with knuckle dusters and knives. One white girl, […] Another baby stolen by woman in burqa V Narayan & Hetal Vyas, TNN, Nov 16, 2010, 01.38am IST MUMBAI: Even as the Bombay high court on Monday afternoon was coming down heavily on the BMC for the spate of baby-stealing incidents that have been occurring in municipal hospitals, another baby was stolen from […] The Expulsion of the Jews from Muslim Countries, 1920-1970: A History of Ongoing Cruelty and Discrimination Shmuel Trigano Between 1920 and 1970, 900,000 Jews were expelled from Arab and other Muslim countries. The 1940s were a turning point in this tragedy; of those expelled, 600,000 settled in the new state of Israel, and 300,000 […]