By Moshe Phillips Metro International brands itself as the “world’s largest international newspaper.” But the bottom line is the Swedish owned company consistently slaps its American readers in the face. There was simply no room in the Philadelphia edition of the Metro newspaper for any mention of the World War Two attack Pearl Harbor […]
NRO — The Corner The 25 Percent Recidivism at Gitmo[1] By Andrew C. McCarthy Regarding this eye-opening new study to which Dan alluded,[2] a few observations. First, as I’ve been arguing ever since Obama counterterrorism advisor John Brennan absurdly claimed[3] that a 20 percent recidivism rate for mass-murderers is pretty good, the truth is we […] WikiLeaks, 1941 by Srdja Trifkovic December 7th, 2010 Over two thousand four hundred American sailors, soldiers and airmen were killed in Pearl Harbor 69 years ago today. Had we had an equivalent of WikiLeaks back in 1941, however, the course of history could have been very different. FDR would have found it much more […] Can the U.S. Bring Assange to Justice?by Gabriel Schoenfeld To convict under the Espionage Act, a trial must prove bad faith on the part of the accused. With WikiLeaks, that’s easy. “WikiLeaks is something else. It is not informing our democracy but waging war on its ability to conduct diplomacy and defend itself. If […] The Wikileaks sex files: How two one-night stands sparked a worldwide hunt for Julian Assange By Richard Pendlebury A winter morning in backwoods Scandinavia and the chime of a church bell drifts across the snowbound town of Enkoping. Does it also toll for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange? Today, this small industrial centre, 40 miles […] Tuesday, December 7, 2010 INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING Ceremony salutes 2010 operations by Israel’s new Underwater Missions Unit TEL AVIV — The Israel Navy unveiled details of its new Underwater Missions Unit, designed to conduct sabotage, reconnaissance and other operations. Military sources said the unit was also trained to repair the hull of ships while […] The Mt. Carmel Inferno Posted By Steven Plaut Now send and gather all of Israel to Me on Mount Carmel….Then the fire of the Lord fell and devoured the sacrifice and the wood and the stones and the dust and the water. — Kings I 18: 19, 38 “Carmel” means the orchard of God […] The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) is preaching a global Caliphate and Islamic Shari’a law over America to its members, according to the 2010 ICNA Member’s Hand Book. This is a very different message than the group’s public outreach efforts, and contradicts claims that the organization is a tolerant, mainstream Islamic group. As […],1518,733054,00.html SPIEGEL Interview with Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal ‘America’s Credibility Is the Victim of These Leaks’ Former Saudi Arabian intelligence head Prince Turki bin Faisal worries that the US diplomatic dispatches released by WikiLeaks could harm US credibility. He spoke with SPIEGEL about the diplomatic fallout, his country’s relations with Iran and Israel, and […] Editor’s note: Below is a distinguished panel discussing the Jihad in the United States at David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend held recently (Nov 18-21) at Palm Beach. Moderator: I’m Frank Gaffney. I run the Center for Security Policy. And this is — thank you. This is actually the high point of my year, getting to […]