Shallow, Sophomoric, and Appalling « The Greenroom Shallow, Sophomoric, and Appalling J.E. Dyer, As a rule, I prefer to avoid language that can be read as hyperbole. But if this story in the Jerusalem Post is accurate (h/t: The Muqata), the Obama administration has committed negotiation “diplomacy” of the most cynical and transparently […] This Is Your Deobandi Divorce: “Moderate” Indian Sharia in Action Indian Islam is often touted as a paragon of liberal, enlightened Islamic modernism. Pace this trope, Indian journalist par excellence Arun Shourie observed in his brilliant 1995 analysis [2], The World of Fatwas or the Shariah in Action, the stultifying and dangerous living legacy […] (Un)welcome to Washington, Senators-elect! Center for Security Policy | Nov 15, 2010 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. President Obama has set the stage for an acrimonious relationship with the newly elected Senators of the 112th Congress. As they come to Washington this week for freshman orientation, his welcome message amounts to: “I want to disenfranchise you.” […] ______A Mess of Pottage By David Isaac “Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentils; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright.” — Genesis 25:34 One can’t help but think of the Biblical story of Esau and the way he cavalierly dispensed […] What the Palestinians buy with American money “In truth, given the PA’s refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist or take sustained, decisive action against terrorism, there is really no way for the US to continue funding it without breaking its own laws. But acknowledging this state of affairs would involve admitting that the […]|/content/MARKETS/MARKETS_SHARED_SIDE_AD_HTML.jsp TORONTO, Nov. 14 /CNW/ – Pro Iran George Galloway will be speaking at York University and the ISLAMIC SOCIETY OF YORK REGION. The event at York University is sponsored by campus groups and non campus groups. The event at the Islamic Society of York Region is under the direction of Iman Zafar Bangash. This […]
America and Israel Enter the Death Zone (Part 1) priviously posted. America and Israel Enter the Death Zone (Part 1) Thanks to Ted Belman of America & Israel Enter the Death Zone Leading up to the midterm elections, all that we have heard from all parties are concerns about our domestic policies, while, in […] In a piece so puffy and naive that it bears more resemblance to Lil Abner’s Daisy Mae than to its actual subject, the Sunday Times profiled Daisy Khan, wife of the Imam and co-spearheader of the Ground Zero Mosque. Born in Kashmir to an upper-class family, Ms.Khan emigrated to Jericho, land of the Jews […]
It’s Time to Ban the Veil The Chilling Lesson from the Elizabeth Smart Case by Phyllis Chesler NewsRealBlog Excerpt: He hid her in plain sight. Her face was on posters plastered all over Utah, her kidnapping had launched one of the greatest manhunts in American history. Nevertheless, Brian Mitchell, the man who kidnapped 14 […] Breaking the Siege Mentality of Airline Security The debate over the TSA security measures comes down to two options. Either subject everyone to strip searches or accept the possibility of being blown out of the sky. The authoritarians champion the first option and the libertarians champion the second option. But there is another way. […]