ANOTHER DOCTOR FOR THE HOUSE….ANDY HARRIS FOR CONGRESS MARYLAND DISTRICT 1: ELECTIONS ARE COMING “A proven record of courage and common sense” Andy Harris has a unique understanding of freedom. His parents fled Communist invasion after World War Two, joining hundreds of thousands of other refugees fleeing the totalitarian Soviet regime. Like so many others, they saw America as President Reagan’s “shining city on a hill”, and came […]

FAISAL SHAHZAD WARNS AMERICA: ALAN CARUBA,css.print/pub_detail.asp Faisal Shahzad Warns America Alan Caruba Faisal Shahzad was sentenced to life in prison on October 6th for trying to kill a lot of innocent Americans in Times Square on May 1, 2010. He was completely unrepentant and we need to understand the funhouse-mirror mentality of Muslims who believe that Allah, through the Koran, […]

OIC CHICAGO CONFERENCE FLOPS: ALYSSA A. LAPPEN OIC Chicago Conference Flops Alyssa A. Lappen The International Islamic News Agency suggests that Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) secretary general Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu of Turkey presented a moderate and modern portrait at Chicago’s late September American Islamic College (AIC) conference. He tried. The “second largest intergovernmental organization outside the United Nations” stands as […]


When the Refs Take Over the Game  David Solway…. Running a government is to a great extent analogous to refereeing a sports event. Apart from the conduct of diplomacy and warfare, government is optimally an arbitrating presence intended to prevent the social arena and the economic contest from degenerating into violence and anarchy. It […]

NEWT GINGRICH: IT’S FOOD STAMPS VS. PAYCHECKS Gingrich: ‘Paychecks versus Food Stamps’ By Robert Costa Posted on October 07, 2010 6:36 PM Former House speaker Newt Gingrich unveiled his GOP strategy memo on Wednesday in Minnesota. Gingrich advises Republicans to frame the mid-terms as a choice between “the Democratic party of food stamps and the Republican party of paychecks.” Earlier today, […]

HUMBERTO FONTOVA: NO “CHE” DAY By Humberto Fontova Last year, the U.K. Guardian interviewed Oscar-winning actor Benicio del Toro regarding his Cannes-winning role as Che Guevara in Stephen Soderbergh’s movie Che. “Dammit This Guy Is Cool!” was the interview title. “I hear of this guy, and he’s got a cool name, Che Guevara!” says del Toro. “Groovy name, groovy […]


HOW OFTEN DID WE HEAR THAT COMMUNISM IS A NOBLE IDEOLOGY HIJACKED BY MEANIES LIKE MAO, STALIN AND BRZHNEV?….RSK By Richard Baehr Gulag Boss: A Soviet Memoir by Fyodor Vasilevich Mochulsky, Oxford University Press, 2010 The Firm: This Inside Story of the Stasi by Gary Bruce, Oxford University Press, 2010 An entire American generation […]

MICHAEL MUKASEY: HOW A BAGRAM DETAINEE HELPED FOIL A EURO TERROR PLOT How a Bagram Detainee Foiled the Euro Terror Plot The plan was disrupted because we were lucky enough to have the key witness in detention. It’s a shame we didn’t try to extract similar intelligence from Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad. By MICHAEL B. MUKASEY The terrorism alert issued this week to Americans traveling […]

AFGHAN MILITARY DEPENDS ON TALIBAN WORKERS…. U.S. Contractors Employed Taliban Senate Investigation Says Military Depends on Private Security Forces Rife With Criminals, Drug Users and Insurgents By NATHAN HODGE WASHINGTON—A yearlong investigation by a Senate panel has found evidence that the mostly Afghan force of private security guards the U.S. military depends on to protect supply convoys and bases in […]

DUBAI: WHO KILLED AMHMOUD AL MAGHOUH? UNSOLVED By CHIP CUMMINS And ALISTAIR MACDONALD DUBAI—Soon after the January assassination of a top Palestinian official here, Dubai police stumbled onto what looked like a big break in the case. They linked a white-haired man with glasses to several suspects caught on security cameras preparing for the murder. Most of the suspects in the […]