ARTICULATE, SMART AND PRINCIPLED…..THERE ARE STARS OUT THERE IN THE GOP GALAXY Deficit Commission Ideas Could See Life Even as GOPer Blames Health Care for Impasse Published December 05, 2010 | The deficit commission’s plan to cut America’s debt failed to get a supermajority vote because it did not address the root cause […]
When the Saints Go Marching In Posted By David Solway Melanie Phillips, author of The World Turned Upside Down [1], laments that “it is the intellectual classes—the supposed custodians of reason—who have turned into the destroyers of reason,” as our cognitive avant-garde retreats ever deeper into the realm of disembodied cerebration and reality-disconnect. Proposing […] Saudi man has never seen his wife’s face after ten years of marriage These habits “have nothing to do with Islam,” says Mufleh Mohammed, and strictly speaking, he’s right: a Muslim woman is under no obligation to cover her face in front of her husband. Nonetheless, the idea that there is something shameful about […]
The Two-State Solution: A Roadmap to Conquest Posted By Joseph Puder URL to article: A recent poll [1] commissioned by The Israel Project (TIP) found that “[a] majority of Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza view the two-state solution as a precursor to one state – a Palestinian state.” According to the […] WikiLeaks, Hillary and Susan Rice Posted by Joseph Klein In a wide-ranging press conference at United Nations headquarters on December 2nd, the United States’ UN ambassador Susan Rice continued to play down any negative impact from WikiLeaks‘ release of sensitive State Department documents. She also denied that any of the U.S. diplomats, at least […] The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) is reporting that two extremist groups in the U.S., Revolution Muslim and the Islamic Thinkers Society, are becoming “increasingly operational” and are violently carrying out their faith. Today’s non-violent Islamic extremists are often tomorrow’s terrorists. Groups seeking to replace democracy with Sharia-based governance are using our freedoms to […] David Frum, Speech Policeman Who appointed these guys the referees of American political debate? Last week, the distinguished liberal thinker and activist William Galston, along with an equally distinguished conservative counterpart, David Frum, announced in the Washington Post the forthcoming founding of a new organization called “No Labels.” The stated aim of No Labels […]
Political Correctness Kills: Study Shows How Terrorists Infiltrate U.S. Government Posted By Barry Rubin URL to article: There is a very important — one might even say life-and-death — distinction that should be made in considering U.S. counterterrorism policy. Certainly, U.S. forces have had many successes in stopping intended terrorist attacks against the United […]
The ‘Unholy Alliance’ Between Islamic Jihad and Utopian Socialism Posted By David Solway We recall that old parlor game: if you could take ten books with you to a desert island, what would they be? Obviously, the list is something of a “moveable feast” and may be modified as our tastes and intellectual needs change […] Obama’s War on Chris Christie By Ed Lasky New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has swiftly become a superstar in the political firmament. His stands for the taxpayers and against wasteful government spending have exhibited the type of tough decision-making people have been waiting for among our politicians; his forceful stands against the public unions […]