War-Power Paranoia The War on Terror has not brought with it a disturbing expansion of executive power, or any expansion at all http://www.nationalreview.com/ ANDREW C. McCARTHY Zero. If you’re keeping score, that would be the number of American citizens assassinated so far by President Obama. Oddly enough, it turns out to be the same number […]
http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,6228031,00.html?maca=en-rss-en-ger-1023-rdf Changes made to controversial book criticizing Muslims Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Some of Sarrazin’s ideas found popular support within Germany Picture Changes made to controversial book criticizing Muslims Former German central-bank board member Thilo Sarrazin has toned down the anti-immigrant rhetoric in his controversial book, “Germany does away with itself.” Former central […]
http://www.weeklystandard.com/print/articles/american-narcissus_516686.html American Narcissus The vanity of Barack Obama Jonathan V. Last November 22, 2010, Why has Barack Obama failed so spectacularly? Is he too dogmatically liberal or too pragmatic? Is he a socialist, or an anticolonialist, or a philosopher-president? Or is it possible that Obama’s failures stem from something simpler: vanity. Politicians as a class […]
Judith Apter Klinghoffer http://hnn.us/blogs/entries/133588.html NEW AMERICAN JEWISH MUSEUM CELEBRATES FREEDOM? Freedom is the grand theme of the new National Museum of American Jewish History located in the Independence Mall in Philadelphia. To emphasize the point, the core exhibition is divided into: “Foundations of Freedom: 1654-1880,” “Dreams of Freedom: 1880-1945,” and “Choices and Challenges of Freedom: […]
http://www.israpundit.com/archives/30366 Israel National News Reveals Staggering ADL Delusion in Supporting Extremist Mosques in America by Jerry Gordon, Iconoclast Today’s Arutz Sheva Israel National News has a follow up report, “Mosque Opposition Moves from Ground Zero to Tennessee” to the AP story that we posted on regarding the wrap up of the Murfreesboro Chancery Court Hearing […]
The Hebron Fund Flotilla: Tues, Nov. 16 in NYC – 718-677-6886 – Don’t miss the boat! *** Thursday Nov 18, Noam Arnon & David Wilder in Los Angeles David Wilder in Seattle, WA – 347-725-0325 for details Wonder Woman David Wilder November 14, 2010 Years ago I discovered the bible. No, not the one that starts […]
FIRST: I watched all the episodes in Beck’s detailed and documented and meticulously researched series on George Soros. There was nothing new in the revelation that as a Jewish teenager Soros helped confiscate property from Jews who were being rounded up. His callous “no regrets” interview is also on the record. SECOND: What is new […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ The Jewish People vs George Soros I spent yesterday evening in the company of a man whose grandfather spent much of the Holocaust dressed in a Nazi uniform. The difference between him and George Soros, is that he used that uniform as a disguise in order to find Jewish refugees and lead them to […]
Israel and UNESCO By Véronique Chemla http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/11/israel_and_unesco.html It has become quite a routine. For more than thirty years, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)’s Executive Board has adopted, by consensus during each of its two biannual governing body meetings, biased decisions singling out the State of Israel for criticism. Several Arab or Muslim […]
http://www.americanthinker.com/printpage/?url=http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/11/jewish_theological_seminary_ho.html Jewish Theological Seminary Hosts Islamic Triumphalists By Alan Jacobs Audience members in the packed Jewish Theological Seminary auditorium just down the block from Columbia University might have been gratified to see hijabs and yarmulkes adorning the heads of Muslims and Jews coming together for interfaith dialogue on the evening of October 25. The title […]