Video: Canadians outraged as veiled Muslim women not required to lift veil, prove ID at airports Once again, this kind of thing was predicted decades ago… in Airplane 2: While TSA here in the states is giving the elderly and cancer survivors a colonoscopy to get on planes while ignoring those they should be […]
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE Mark Krikorian DREAM On The amnesty-for-illegals crowd has found some sympathetic poster children. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have pledged a vote as early as this week on the DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors), a bill that would legalize illegal aliens who arrived here before the age […]
The Polisario: The Next Al Qaeda? by Richard Miniter December 1, 2010 at 5:00 am TINDOUF, Algeria — In the hope of ending one of the world’s longest running wars, Christopher Ross, a special envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General, is holding a summit meeting with Morocco and the Polisario Front, a separatist group […]
Christian Tomuschat, Head of the Goldstone Implementation Committee, Resigns Christian Tomuschat, who headed a UN committee charged with implementing the Goldstone Report, has reportedly resigned. He had been appointed by UN High Commissioner Navi Pillay. Tomuschat’s credentials were questioned earlier this year, in a July 14th, 2010 article by Anne Bayefsky. Tomuschat’s resignation is […] New START, old stratagem Center for Security Policy By Frank Gaffney, Jr. Here we go again. President Obama is trying once again to ram a legislative initiative through Congress knowing full well that, by so doing, he is maximizing the chances that his project’s defects will not become widely understood until it is too late […]
NRO — The Corner Does the First Amendment Mean What It Says Regarding Speech?[1] December 1, 2010 11:02 A.M. By Andrew C. McCarthy As I noted earlier, yesterday’s column[2] was about Wikileaks and dealt with whether there is a public “right to know.” In part, that poses the question whether the First Amendment permits the […] Isn’t It Time World Leaders Discover the Meaning of Hanukah?Ruth King THIS COLUMN APPEARED IN FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS IN DECEMBER 2007…THE MORE THINGS CHANGE…..RSK Hanukah, known as the “festival of lights,” will be celebrated for eight consecutive days beginning this week, starting today (December 1). Because of its proximity to Christmas, Jewish families throughout […] December 1, 2010 Chanukah (Hannukah) 2010 Bruce Kesler This year’s calendar offers a way to think about two important dates in Judaism, the birth of today’s Israel and Chanukah. The two dates represent the importance of struggle to accomplish a Jewish state as well as the struggle to deserve a Jewish state. Four days […] The DREAM Act v. The American Dream Michael Cutler I have, as I expect you know, written a number of commentaries and participated in a number of televised debates on the issue of what is expected to be the efforts of the “Lame Duck” session of Congress to ram the DREAM Act through the […] Defenders of Evil in the Dark “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil” Isaiah 5:20 Every conspiracy theory by Anti-War activists and 9/11 Truthers has one thing in common. It calls good, evil… and evil, good. Its overriding message is that America is the center of all the world’s evil. We […]