Glenn Beck: “George Soros – Behind The Shadow Party” – Part 1#more-48265#more-48265 FORTUNATELY, THE EXPOSE THAT GLEN BECK DID WILL BE ONLINE. BECK’S INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING AND TAPES WITH SOROS SPEAKING ON RECORD ARE PRICELESS AND DESERVE WIDE CIRCULATION AND RERUNS. BECK DESERVES KUDOS…..RSK Civilizational suicide. This is beyond stupidity; it’s treason. Some Muslims Attending Capitol Hill Prayer Group Have Terror Ties, Probe Reveals FOX news An Al Qaeda leader, the head of a designated terror organization and a confessed jihadist-in-training are among a “Who’s Who” of controversial figures who have participated in weekly prayer sessions on Capitol […] UK: Newly-elected Islamic supremacist mayor places cd’s of sermons by promoter of wife-beating and Islamic domination in town hall Lutfur Rahman council promotes extremist preacher who supports wife-beating By Andrew Gilligan Does a London council sanction the preaching of extremists? (Photo: Getty) Two weeks after the extremist-backed politician, Lutfur Rahman, became mayor of […] Cognitive Dissonance and WMD George W. Bush is telling the world says he was “sickened . . . when we didn’t find weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq. How, I would like to know, did he feel when 550 metric tons of yellowcake were finally, secretly and successfully extracted from Iraq in the summer […]
“FAILING TO find a glimpse of hope across the greater Arab world, we must concede that Israel has become the only “safe haven” where one can be sure of his life and dignity. Yes, Israel, the state our demagogues continue to call “the alleged entity…I foresee a time when millions of Arabs might stand humbly […]
Islamaniacs Performing Bloody Ritual In London… Welcome to multicultural Hell… (ExpressUK) — ISLAMIC fanatics are mutilating themselves at a British mosque in a bloody ceremony carried out only yards from a busy high street. Shia Muslims use a five-bladed chain called a Zanjeer to whip their own backs and make cuts in their foreheads […]
Some Rights Causes Are More Equal Than Others by Johanna Markind Pajamas Media November 9, 2010 Send RSS Share: If you were arrested for speaking on public streets, where would you turn for help? These days, the answer may depend on what you were saying. Suppose you were arrested for marching through the streets […] Our President and Arafat’s fragrant keffiyeh Item from the Palestinian Ma’an news agency: RAMALLAH — One and a half million dollars was approved by the PA Cabinet on Wednesday, for the completion of construction on the Yasser Arafat Museum in Ramallah. The move comes as the PA prepares celebrations marking the 6th anniversary of […] “Liberal” Palestinian Authority Arrests Muslim “Heretic” Under Threat of Life Imprisonment November 11th, 2010 (1 hour ago) by Andrew Bostom | The Face(book) of “Liberal” Palestinian Sharia “Secularism” We are repeatedly told—despite all evidence to the contrary—including its draft Sharia-based Constitution—that the Judea-Samaria Palestinian Authority under President Mahmoud Abbas is a “moderate” even, “secular” […] Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff Versus the State of Denial This week’s syndicated column is about Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff (above), who goes to trial for “hate speech” — i.e., speaking out against Islamization — on November 23 in Vienna. Her website, including defense fund information, is here. —- When Barack Obama spoke in Mumbai about “the different meanings” […]