,1518,727526,00.html ‘There Will Be Another War’ An Islamist Uprising in Tajikistan Christian Neef/ International observers consider Tajikistan to be a failed state in the midst of a national crisis. A growing mood of protest there is benefitting the Islamic opposition. Hundreds of new mosques have opened since the beginning of the year, and more women […] The 9 Most Asinine Statements by Harpy Joy Behar By Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public “In Greek mythology Harpies were described as beautiful winged maidens who became ugly winged monsters with crooked, sharp talons.”….rsk It came as quite a shock to the leader of one women’s organization when Joy Behar, ostensibly a comedian, […] Still Killing: IRA Linked to FARC, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Taliban Posted By Rick Stanton(A pseudonym for an investigative reporter) One of America’s most influential terrorist enemies traces its lineage back some thirty years — and it isn’t a Muslim organization. In splinter groups like the Continuity IRA and more recently the Real IRA, Irish […] Obama’s counterproductive Middle East policy Haim Radin Obama’s push to create a Palestinian State in the Israeli West Bank is counterproductive to the US’s prime interest in the Middle East. The main interest of the US in the Middle East is oil. The major source of oil is Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has a […] In recent years, Syrian President Bashar Assad has been visited by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry (twice), Senator Arlen Specter, Assistant Secretary of State Jeffrey Feltman and National Security Council Senior Director Daniel Shapiro. All came to Damascus seeking to impress the strongman with their eagerness to turn a […] MEDICARE NEVER HAD MEANS TESTING, SO MILLIONAIRES GOT FREE CARE AS WELL AND WAS CALLED “WELFARE FOR THE RICH”…FURTHERMORE, EVERY SINGLE EFFORT TO CONTAIN COSTS MET WITH DEFEAT THANKS TO AARP. CATASTROPHE INSURANCE WAS TORPEDOED IN 1989 AND ALL SUBSEQUENT “REFORM” WAS SOCIALIZED MEDICINE…..RSK How Medicare Killed the Family Doctor Low government payment rates […] By MATTHEW ROSENBERG KABUL—Add another group to the list of people with a message for the newly elected U.S. Congress: the Taliban. In a rambling “open letter” to Congress, the Taliban’s spokesman said he wanted to present American lawmakers with “a true picture of the ground realities” of the war in Afghanistan, which he […] SOMETHING HAPPENED TO BUSH WHEN HE GOT ON THE “ROAD MAP”…AND LOST RESOLVE NOT ONLY ON ISRAEL BUT ON THE GENERAL WAR AGAINST JIHAD…..AND NO AMOUNT OF REWRITING CAN ERASE THAT SORRY LEGACY….RSK Bush Memoirs: Strike On Syrian Nuclear Plant Restored His Faith In Israel–But When Did He Lose It? “Following the midterm elections […]
14-year-old wife freed from 80-year-old husband A benevolent stranger pays wedding money to husband for divorce Okaz quoted Rahim as saying he had not cheated the girl on the grounds he had come to her house and asked her father to marry her. (SUPPLIED) A 14-year-old Saudi girl who had been forced to marry […] US Defence Secretary Robert Gates on Monday rejected comments by Israel’s prime minister calling for a “credible” military threat against Iran to ensure it does not obtain nuclear weapons. “We know that they are concerned about the impact of the sanctions. The sanctions are biting more deeply than they anticipated and we are working […]