Protesters Descend on Amy Coney Barrett’s Home One Day after Kavanaugh Assassination Plot By Brittany Bernstein

Protesters gathered on Thursday evening outside Supreme Court justice Amy Coney Barrett’s home, where she lives with her husband and seven children, according to reports.

The protests, as reported by George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, come one day after a California man allegedly attempted to assassinate Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Early Wednesday morning, police detained 26-year-old Nicholas John Roske after he exited a taxi in front of Kavanaugh’s home in Maryland wearing black clothes, according to a criminal complaint. The man told authorities he called 911 because he was having suicidal thoughts. He told a dispatcher he had come “from California to kill a specific” Supreme Court justice, the affidavit said.

The Left’s Political-Violence Problem Andrew McCarthy

Progressives have a long history of applauding violence when it’s aimed at their ideological opponents.

You’ll be happy to know that the New York Times did get around to covering Wednesday’s attempted murder of a United States Supreme Court justice. All you need to do is pick up the paper.

Well, no, no, it’s not front-page material — except for a teeny, tiny blurb under the vacuous heading “Arrest Near Home of Justice,” right under such feature page-one stories as “Vanishing Word in the Abortion Debate: Women” and “Back to the Office” Does ‘Never’ Work for You?”

Can’t really blame them though, right? I mean, today’s huge story — the only story really — is “INSIDE AN ATTACK ON DEMOCRACY.” Remember Thursday is Insurrection™ Day! Or, I should say, Insurrection™ Night — as in this evening’s prime-time Dem-dominated January 6 committee TV extravaganza, produced, at the behest of Nancy Pelosi’s House, by a bigwig former ABC executive.

Maybe the assassination story got a mention on page 2? Nope, sorry about that, not page 2 . . .  or 3 . . . or 10 . . . or even 15. No, you’ll need to dig all the way down to page A-20 to find the Gray Lady’s grudging coverage of how “Man With Pistol, Crowbar And Zip Ties Is Arrested Near Kavanaugh’s Home.”

Do you think the Left might just have a political-violence problem?

Well, imagine what the coverage would be if, say, we switched out the word Kavanaugh and substituted Sotomayor. Think we’re still talking page A20? Of course not. It would be the only story — a story permitted to eclipse even Insurrection™.

The Democrats’ ‘Insurrection’ Against The Supreme Court

It’s bad enough that someone in America could become so unhinged by nonstop far-left media propaganda that he’d try to kill a Supreme Court justice. But far worse is the blasé reaction by the Democratic Party and its extreme-left pro-abortion allies to the attempted murder of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Following his arrest in the early hours Wednesday, Nicholas John Roske told federal law enforcement officials that he intended to kill Kavanaugh. He was, he said, angry that the Supreme Court might soon overturn the Roe v. Wade abortion decision — which, by the way, would only mean that states, not the federal government, would determine abortion laws.

Roske meant business. He was toting a bag that, as the arrest record noted, contained a Glock 17 pistol, ammunition, a knife, zip ties, pepper spray, duct tape, and other items, which he hoped to use to kill Kavanaugh.

Just another deranged lunatic? A one-off by a lone nut? Hardly. It seems the Democrats’ increasingly violent rhetoric in recent years continues to bear its poison fruit.

A mere day before Roske was nabbed, pro-abortion activists firebombed a pro-life CompassCare pregnancy center outside Buffalo, in what the Washington Free Beacon described as “the latest in a series of attacks on pro-life offices and churches since the leak of a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.”

5 Questions That Must Answered Before The J6 Committee Begins Its Theatrical Production By: Tristan Justice

Don’t expect answers from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 Committee weaponized to operate as a political witch hunt.

he House Committee on Jan. 6 will launch its dramatic summer hearings tonight in a prime time show trial produced by a former ABC News executive as desperate Democrats aim to shift the narrative ahead of the midterms.

The nine members of the Select Committee appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will introduce the panel’s findings and question a pair of witnesses while presenting graphic footage of the riot to a nationwide audience. Every cable network, except Fox News, will broadcast the proceedings in an arrangement sought by the partisan probe to elevate the evening’s drama shining light on a three-hour riot that happened more than 18 months ago.

Absent from the panel asking questions, however, will be any Republicans appointed by GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy after Pelosi took the self-proclaimed “unprecedented” step of barring Reps. Jim Banks, R-Ind., and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, from the probe. Instead, Pelosi hand-picked the most vocal pair of NeverTrump House members to serve in their place, Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., and Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., who serves as vice chair and was disowned by her own party.

Joe Biden’s ‘Green Energy’ Dreams: Enriching Friends, Crushing the Working Class By Levi Russell

President Biden has moved on from making excuses for the massive inflation caused by his failed energy policies and perilously weak foreign policy to claiming that it is the price we must all pay for a “transition” to a new world order. This new order will give us slower but, allegedly, more stable economic growth and a complete abolition of all non-”green” energy. This commentary likely appeals to the climate hysterics in his party, but falls on deaf ears for the rest of us. 

As Jude Clemente pointed out last month, Biden’s policies and their catastrophic effects have likely ruined many Americans’ taste for a policy-driven transition away from conventional energy sources. The latest Gallup poll tracking Americans’ top issues of concern puts the economy at #1 (39%). Poor leadership in the government was the top non-economic issue at 20%. According to the poll, only 2% of Americans listed climate change and the environment as their top issue of concern.

As much as EPA Administrator Jennifer Granholm, whose husband runs a consulting firm for “green” energy companies, claims that she wants to make electric cars more affordable for Americans, she must realize that such a claim is nonsense. The EPA cannot make anything cost less. It can take money from poorer people and give it to richer people in the form of subsidies for EVs. It can make normal cars much, much more costly. Climate hysterics in the government know this and simply won’t admit it. 

Liz Peek: Made-for-TV Jan. 6 hearings won’t rescue Democrats

http://Liz Peek: Made-for-TV Jan. 6 hearings won’t rescue Democrats

Democrats think voters will be so gob-smacked by the revelations of the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack that they will forget about soaring gasoline and food prices, rising crime, a 15,000-person caravan of people about to cross our southern border, the baby formula shortage and power brownouts, which are likely to hit our country this summer.

Yup, they’re convinced that Americans being force-fed (every major network will broadcast the House hearings live during prime time) scenes of yahoos waving flags and storming our Capitol will rebuild President Biden’s dismal approval ratings and put his fellow Democrats on the road to victory just in time for the midterms.

Fat chance.

Americans agree: The January 6 riots were a terrible event, and that those who broke the law should be punished.

More and more also agree: It is time to move on.

A recent NBC poll shows a dwindling number of Americans blaming Trump for the attack on the Capitol; 45 percent now say he is “solely” or “mainly” responsible, down from 52 percent the month Joe Biden took office. Moreover, 55 percent say he is “only somewhat” or “not really” to blame for the riots, up from 47 percent in January 2021.

Will President Biden adopt President Carter’s regime-change policy? Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger

According to the Washington, DC-based White House Historical Association, the 1978/79 US policy on Iran, that embraced Ayatollah Khomeini, betrayed the pro-US Shah of Iran, and failed the pro-US Sunni Arab regimes, was based on a superficial view of Middle East political, religious, cultural and historical reality:

“…. In January 1979, the Shah fled into exile, and the theocratic regime of Khomeini took power. There was little informed understanding in the U.S. government about the political implications of this fundamentalist regime. Gary Sick, who was on the National Security staff, recalled a meeting in which Vice President Walter Mondale asked the CIA director Stansfield Turner, ‘What the hell is an Ayatollah anyway.’ Turner said he wasn’t sure he knew….”

However, the New York-based Foreign Affairs Magazine claims that – following President Carter’s initial assessment that Ayatollah Khomeini would be preoccupied with tractors rather than with tanks – the US President amended his position on Iran, concluding that regime-change was the most realistic policy toward Iran, because the Ayatollahs were relentlessly anti-American, ill-faith negotiators, neither partners for peaceful coexistence, nor amenable to democracy or to abandoning their anti-US fanatic vision:

“….Recently declassified documents reveal that in December 1979, Carter issued a presidential finding—a notification to Congress required under laws passed in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal—ordering the CIA to ‘conduct propaganda and political and economic action operations to encourage the establishment of a responsible and democratic regime in Iran; make contacts with Iranian opposition leaders and interested governments in order to encourage interactions that could lead to a broad, pro-Western front capable of forming an alternative government….’ The CIA attempted to organize external Iranian opposition groups into a cohesive force, tried to aid dissidents in Iran, and enlisted regional powers such as Saudi Arabia to help undermine the nascent theocracy….”

Has the 1979-2022 track record of Iran’s Ayatollahs justified President Carter’s transformation of policy from diplomacy to regime-change?

Trump or DeSantis? David Solway

Speculation is rife concerning the possible presidential candidates representing the two major parties as the nation approaches the 2024 elections. Everyone has an opinion, and the pundits are competing in the expertise sweepstakes. What can we say with some degree of plausibility?

The Democrat roster is, by all accounts, dramatically uninspiring. Biden, who speaks in tongues, is plainly beyond redeeming; the question is whether he will manage to survive the year, let alone stumble, lollop, and whiffle to the end of his first term. Kamala Harris belongs in vaudeville or farce, given her talent for provoking laughter. Both will have to be retired in favor of an electable candidate. But who?

Pete Buttigieg is a perpetual embarrassment, in effect a political pothole. Elizabeth Warren is a professional liar and fraud, as everybody knows. Hillary is an overdone political brisket. Gavin Newsom has destroyed his state, an enviable record for a leftie, but California, despite the hype, is not America. Bernie Sanders is a geriatric commie with three tony residences, a typical dacha commissar whose appeal is mainly to the badly educated young. Michelle Obama would be a celebrity candidate; the thing is, most Americans are not celebrities, and Camelot has lost its luster. As they say, there is no there there.

The fact is that the Dems have nothing to offer apart from a voluble vacuum that cannot be filled with anyone or anything of substance. The party cannot be expected to win the forthcoming presidential election absent a Diabolus ex Machina descending from the ceiling via a system of invisible ropes and pulleys or an asteroid wiping out the Republican heartland. Regrettably, we know such things can happen.

The Davos Street Gang: They Want your Country, your Property, and your Freedom   Paul E Vallely MG , US Army (Ret)

The Davos global elites are dangerously flirting with a new global government. Klaus Schwab (not Charles Schwab), the Chairman of the World Economic Forum published a book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset”. The reset was forecasted as the best method to use to challenge Capitalism through a catastrophic event. The event derived from biological attacks against the United States and the world through the auspices of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Wuhan Virology Laboratory in late 2019.  

Tragic events spread fear and anxiety within societies to break them down to create a new society in the eyes of the instigators. Interesting to note how accomplices of international corporations and financial institutions have partnered with the Global Elitist and the “Deep State” operatives in the latest attack against democracies.  

These global elitists, by the way, are determined to destroy any sense of Nationalism anywhere on the globe. As David Rockefeller said, “All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept a new world order”. When a group of nefarious people (a globalist cabal) develop big plans and need the right major crisis to begin implementation, they create one. And create they did. But no one wants to talk about it in the mainstream media or government. They would rather laugh and dismiss it as conspiracy. Why? Because they are all part of it. They want you to believe everything is normal with only a few temporary setbacks on the way to ‘building back better’, while they secretly remove the foundations upon which our country rests. The general goals are to:  a. Collapse the US and EU economies, create chaos which will allow the institution of digital currency, IDs, social credit controls etc.  b.  Eliminate the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.   c.  Establish New World Order, One World Government.  

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh: The Court Jester to the Clown Prince: Diane Bederman

Justin Trudeau is truly Canada’s Clown Prince. And like Princes of yore, he too has a Court Jester: Jagmeet Singh; the leader of the Federal New Democrat Party

I have introduced you to Justin Trudeau many times. He is a sanctimonious, self-righteous, self-serving, immoral, unethical, inept, corrupt and evil man who has maligned millions of Canadians for not following his Covid rules.

The EU is not particularly fond of him, either.  A healthcare law review submitted to the European Parliament in May took aim at the Canadian government for having some of the strictest Covid-19 restrictions in the world which are being met with increasing international scrutiny. Independent Irish Senator Sharon Keogan said: “The extrajudicial freezing of assets and transactions by the Canadian government of individuals deemed associated with anti-government protests provides a chilling case study in the abuse of centralized power.” Keogan also blasted Trudeau’s “so-called liberal democracy” for showing authoritarian leanings by banning unvaccinated Canadians from travel.

The International Air Transport Association has also demanded that the Liberals immediately drop all Covid-19 pandemic travel restrictions.