A Freak of a Councilman Stops the Cookie Monsters By Carol A. Taber Thank God for New Castle, New York Democrat (of course) Councilman Michael Wolfensohn. This week, in an incredible display of bravery and foresight, he prevented what could have been a catastrophe and a miscarriage of justice. All Americans owe him a […] Rapper Shyne Becomes an Orthodox Jew By Boyce Watkins, PhD Dr. Boyce Watkins is the founder of the Your Black World Coalition and a Scholarship in Action Resident of the Institute for Black Public Policy. To have Dr. Boyce commentary delivered to your email, please click here. The rapper Shyne is an interesting brother. […]
The Ground Zero Mosque Holds the Key to the Attack on America Posted by Stella Paul Nov 20th 2010 Why did terrorists attack America on September 11, 2001? We’re a nation of 310 million freedom-loving Americans, protected by the greatest military the world has ever seen. Did Osama bin Laden really think he could […]
Full Burka’ed Muslim: “All Cops Are Racist” A burka’ed Muslim charged with making false complaint belched out that tired old incitement to hate-chant of revolutionary crowd — “All cops are racist” — what race? We have seen the weaponizing of the veil and the use of the veil to commit crimes, escape detection, kidnap […]
Ya Arabs Love to Pick On Tiny Nation Israel.. The invading settlements of Israel “While foreign appeasers insist that Jews cease construction in their liberated, yet disputed lands (an area that becomes increasingly larger, the more appeasements are offered), Arab settlements, both in and out of Judea and Samaria, spread unabated.” Today I would like to talk […] In the wake of the election of 2010, the defining element is chaos. Obama’s bumbling international trips, Pelosi’s return to power, MSNBC purging yet another anchor to try and show that it’s apolitical or centrist or something anyway, and international Democratic infighting have given way to sheer lunacy. The TSA firestorm should have been […] Report: Napolitano considering Hamas-linked CAIR’s demands for Muslim women in airports, including the “self-pat-down” The Department of Homeland Security needs to clarify its position here without delay. CAIR advised Muslim women in the press release quoted here that: “Instead of the pat-down, you can always request to pat down your own scarf, including head […] “Our six-decade-long security relationship with Saudi Arabia is a primary security pillar in the region,” Defense Sec. Robert M. Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton wrote in a Nov. 16 letter to congress. “This package continues that tradition.”……Those barbarians are a “security pillar”…shame on them if Anthony Weiner sees the dangers more […] BAT YE’OR COINED THE WORD “EURABIA’ WHEN SHE PREDICTED THE CREEP OF SHARIA IN EUROPE….I THINK THE PROFESSOR UNDERESTIMATES IT BY FIFTY YEARS…SHARIA IS ALREADY CHANGING THE CHARACTER OF THE UK’S CULTURE…IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BLACK AND WHITE…RSK White Britons a minority by ‘66 By GRAEME WILSON WHITE British people will be […]
Right Wing News George Soros: A missing moral compass “So, whatever Glenn Beck said, he’s right that there’s a problem with Soros’ engagement with the Nazis during the War: The problem with Soros isn’t what he did to survive; it’s that he doesn’t care what he did to survive.“ In my “real” facebook world, […]