From: Tom Gross…these are really good columns from Tom Gross, but, alas, when writing about Ariel, he states “ Ariel is one of the towns that a significant majority of Israelis of both left and right hope can be incorporated into Israel in any future land swap with a Palestinian state. Ariel is only a […]

THE SYSTEMATIC MUSLIM DENIAL OF THE EXISTENCE OF SOLOMON’S TEMPLE In the beginning was Al-Aqsa A new study exposes the systematic Muslim denial of the existence of Solomon’s Temple by clergymen, historians and statesmen. Some claim that the mosque was built in the times of Adam. By Nadav Shragai A few years ago, an article appeared on the Web site of the northern branch […]


Europe in Crisis, Yet Again Europe in Crisis, Yet Again by Srdja Trifkovic November 18th, 2010 Alarming newspaper headlines greeted me at London’s Heathrow Airport on my arrival from the Balkans yesterday. The Daily Mail led with the EU President’s warning that “Ireland’s debt crisis could kill the European Union stone-dead.” The Independent’s front page […]

THE GLOBAL REACH OF CONTEMPORARY ANTI-SEMITISM***** Israeli Professor on the rise of Anti-Semitism In an interview that appeared recently on Israel National News TV, Professor Robert S. Wistrich, Neuberger chair for Modern European History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, gave some serious warnings about the rise of Anti-Semitism.  With no trace of hype or scare-mongering, he argued cogently that […]

DAVID SOLWAY: THE AGE OF DISSIMULATION The Age of Dissimulation David Solway on Nov 18th, 2010 In a recent Jerusalem Post article, columnist Caroline Glick labels our time the “Age of Dissimulation,” since “[t]oday our leading minds devote their energies and cognitive powers to figuring out new ways to hide reality from themselves and the general public.” One of these […]

HERE COMES THE “GUV” WITH IDEAS AND A RECORD: MITCH DANIELS Daniels’s Next Hurdle Cutting Indiana’s budget even further will be hard, but a newly Republican legislature will help. Right after the 2008 general election, in which Barack Obama became the first Democratic presidential candidate to win Indiana since Lyndon Johnson, Gov. Mitch Daniels decided it was the perfect time to stage a Republican comeback. His […]

PAUL RYAN…THE GOP STAR… A PALN FOR MEDICARE AND MEDICAID REDUCTION WITH A DEMOCRAT By Yuval Levin Entitlement Reform “Earlier this week, Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky (a Democrat, and one of the commission’s more liberal members) released her own plan, which mostly revealed a profound lack of seriousness among some liberal Democrats about deficit reduction.” President Obama’s deficit commission continues to surprise. On paper, it appears to be […]

IBN WARRAQ: HOW TO REFORM ISLAM***** How to Reform Islam Self-criticism is the key. I have often argued that one of the redemptive graces of Western civilization is self-criticism, a deeply ingrained habit that has enabled Western man to reflect, to adjust, to improve his beliefs, to correct and change his situation — in short, to reform. The West has […]

THE SULTAN: OBAMA’S JERUSALEM APARTHEID***** Obama’s Jerusalem Apartheid When Obama attacked Israel for building housing on Jewish owned land in Jerusalem, he was doing more than just pandering to his Muslim hosts with an obligatory dose of Israel bashing. He was diving once again into the ugly pool of bigotry, that first surfaced when he used Joe Biden as […]

THE STATES LINING UP AGAINST OBAMACARE “The voters showed their loathing for the law on November 2, and a large, united legal front of states would increase the chances that the courts find it unconstitutional and preserve our federal system.” The historic state lawsuit against ObamaCare is moving through the federal courts, with 20 states so far on board the […]