Blasphemous Blogger Case Shows Hypocrisy of Palestinian Supporters Jonathan S. Tobin – 11.16.2010 – 5:06 PM Amid all the constant clamor about the plight of the Palestinians, the conspicuous lack of concern on the part of both foreign and local Arab human-rights groups about the way the Palestinian Authority and Hamas treat their own […]
Soros: Chinese Government Better than the US Posted by Sun Tzu Nov 16th 2010 “[President Barack] Obama got the short end of the stick,” Mr. Soros said. Not only is the President getting attacked within his own country, foreign governments are against him even though China’s policies are just as significant. In Mr. […]
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » George Washington University Shuts Down Community Pool For Female-Only Sharia-Compliant Swim . George Washington University Shuts Down Community Pool For Female-Only Sharia-Compliant Swim Time… Shockingly, People Have a Problem With This… [Isn’t this what the burkini was invented for?…] (USA Today)– Colleges strive to create welcoming, inclusive communities […] Ambrose Evans-Pritchard It is the European Central Bank that should be printing money on a mass scale to purchase government debt, not the US Federal Reserve. It was a grave error for Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Nicolas Sarkozy to invoke the spectre of sovereign defaults and bondholder ‘haircuts’ at this delicate juncture Photo: […] Cable Liberals Face a Crisis of Definition Olbermann’s suspension mini-drama was a direct product of the 2010 election which has made cable liberals wonder about their place in the bigger picture. Olbermann had found his place on MSNBC as in the run-up to the War in Iraq liberals felt increasingly emboldened to attack the […] November 16, 2010 An Old Soldier Looks at The Fort Hood Killings Dr. Jim Blair The old maxim “where you stand on issues is largely a function of where you sit” is borne out in spades as one views the “Fort Hood Army Internal Review Team: Final Report.” The full document can be read […] Introducing Anti-Semitism Watch Global Anti-Semitism On the Rise? FSM: Anti-Semitism Watch A Global Rise in Anti-Semitism Many cases of Anti-Semitism hide behind the mask of anti-Zionism, but there is a paper thin barrier that separates modern “anti-Zionism” from the blind and visceral hate of traditional anti-Semitism. The open hostility to Israel expressed by Islamists […]
A Gangster With Oil Geopolitics: Years ago, Americans worried about Venezuela’s leftist Hugo Chavez becoming a new Castro — with oil. It happened. Now he’s filling his cabinet with drug lords, and the threat morphs into something creepier. Colombian police escort suspected Venezuelan drug lord Walid Makled Garcia in Bogota last August. He says […] Reflections on Obama’s Indonesia Odyssey By Howard Rotberg Obama is at it again. First, he awarded America’s highest civilian award – the Medal of Freedom – to Mary Robinson who presided over the infamous Durban Conference of 2001, where Islamic countries were allowed to highjack a conference about racism into a hatefest against the […] November 16, 2010 4:00 A.M. Obama Caves on Civilian Trial for KSM It turns out indefinite detention isn’t so bad after all. Let’s review the state of play, shall we? Throughout the 2008 presidential campaign, candidate Barack Obama blasted the Bush administration’s decision to treat al-Qaeda terrorists as enemy combatants and detain them without […]