PRO ISLAM BIAS IN TEXAS SCHOOLBOOKS “If you can control or influence our education system, you can start taking over the minds of the young people,” Mr. Rives said. “And so I think we are real passionate that you need to make a bold statement to the publishers that pushing this agenda will not be tolerated in Texas.” As evidence […]

AT THE UN OBAMA LOBBIES FOR PALARAB STATE….NO OTHER PROBLEMS IN THE WORLD UNITED NATIONS – President Barack Obama is exhorting the world to unite around the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, challenging the United Nations to support an agreement that would create an independent Palestine and a secure Israel in a year’s time. In a speech to the annual session of the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday, Obama […]

SENIORS BEWARE: OBAMACARE IS COMING….SEE NOTE BY 2017 PEOPLE IN THEIR LATE FIFTIES NOW WILL BE SENIORS ON MEDICARE…THE OLDER ONES WILL HAVE TO BE PUT ON ICE FLOES….TO DRIFT TO THE ABYSS…..RSK By JOHN C. GOODMAN Today marks the six-month anniversary of the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, widely known as ObamaCare. It is a […]

BREAKFAST WITH AH’JAD: BRET STEPHENS….LOX, BAGELS AND A LUNATIC ON THE “ZIONIST REGIME” Breakfast With Ahmadinejad Lox, bagels and the ‘Zionist regime.’ By BRET STEPHENS New York It’s a few minutes before eight in the morning on Tuesday, and the 30 or so journalists who have assembled to meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the conference room of a midtown Manhattan hotel are gorging themselves on lox and bagels […]

AL QAEDA TARGETS EUROPE…PLEASE READ THE APPALLING LINK TO ISRAEL “At the hearing on Wednesday, Michael Leiter, director of the National Counterterrorism Center, also warned that the Iranian-inspired and -supported terrorist group Hezbollah likely would attempt an attack on U.S. interests if Israel attacked Iran’s nuclear facilities. Speaking about Hezbollah, Mr. Leiter said, “The big question mark for us has always been not their […]

THE CRIMINAL BLACK PANTHERS…THE SCANDAL THAT OBAMA DODGES The White House is trying to dodge the issue, but the New Black Panther voter-intimidation case is a growing scandal about political interference by the Obama administration into law-enforcement matters. The latest outrages to come to light are the brutal criminal histories of the Black Panthers who threatened Philadelphia voters on Election Day, 2008. […]

OBAMA’S NO VICTORY WAR AS DISHED BY ROBERT WOODWARD EDITORIAL: Obama’s victory-less war Political calculations trump battlefield strategy for the O Force By THE WASHINGTON TIMES – Bob Woodward‘s new book, “Obama‘s Wars,” is days away from release and already causing a stir. As the title implies, it’s not only about the U.S. “overseas contingency operations” President Obama is overseeing but also the […]

DISMISSED DOJ SECTION CHIEF WILL TESTIFY ON PANTHER VOTER IINTIMIDATION TO US COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS . By Jerry Seper – The Justice Department section chief who recommended going forward on a civil complaint against members of the New Black Panther Party, and then was removed from his post and transferred to South Carolina, will testify on the case Friday before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Commission officials confirmed […]

GUY BENSON: ON DAVID LIMBAUGH’S ” CRIMES AGAINST LIBERTY-AN INDICTMENT OF PRESIDENT OBAMA” Guy Benson Crimes Against Liberty and a Scathing Indictment of Obama Thu, Sep, 23, 2010 Author and columnist David Limbaugh’s latest offering Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama offers a comprehensive and damning critique of the Obama Administration’s ongoing Left-wing romp through American politics. Although his book’s subtitle promises “an indictment,” […]


The Irresponsible Commander in Chief Jennifer Rubin – 09.22.2010 – 10:16 AM The Washington Post is teasing the release of Bob Woodward’s newest book, Obama’s Wars, which focuses on the war in Afghanistan. Usually in Woodward’s offerings, those who cooperate with the author come off the best, and those who don’t — well, don’t. But in […]