Six Years Ago, Yasir Arafat Died; Today His Legacy Still Prevails: No To Peace, No to Compromise By Barry Rubin MAHMOUD ABBAS IS SIMPLY ARAFAT IN WESTERN GARB….AND THE TWO STATE GROUPIES SHOULD FINALLY RECOGNIZE THAT THERE IS NO BARGAIN TO STRUCK WITH ANY OF THEM…..RSK Six years ago, on November 11, 2004, Yasir […] This week we learned that Nazareth is an al-Qaida hub. Sheikh Nazem Abu Salim Sahfe, the Israeli imam of the Shihab al-Din mosque in the city, was indicted on Sunday for promoting and recruiting for global jihad and calling on his followers to harm non-Muslims. Among the other plots born of Sahfe’s sermons was […]
Click here: Entrepreneurs Also Give More Charity – Maggie’s Farm Friday, November 12. 2010 Entrepreneurs Also Give More Charity President Obama, are you listening? Or, would you rather raise taxes and regulatory costs on smaller businesses? The Chronicle of Philanthropy reports a study by the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund and Ernst & Young that, not […]
Leading Stage Props Firm Boycotts Ariel Boycotters by Gil Ronen Follow Israel news . Hayik Bamot, a veteran stage props firm that is one of the best known names in the field, has announced that it will boycott all productions that employ the artists who initiated the boycott of Ariel’s newly-opened cultural center. “I […] JOHN BERNARD The CFR Assessment of the US Effort in Afghanistan (sigh…) Stratfor just released a report that the CFR had completed it’s recent assessment of Afghanistan and Pakistan and yes; I read the whole report. I stopped just short of reading the final 27 pages of notes and biographies of those who visited […] A Tale of Two Europes Looking for transcendence. November 9 marked the 21st anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Yet if the open-borders Europe of the Schengen agreement is no longer divided by concrete walls, barbed-wire fences, and sandy death-traps, 21st-century Europe remains deeply divided nonetheless. Evidence of the depth and nature […]
Obama: Center of the Soros System? William R. Mann, THE THREE PART SERIES THAT BECK DID ON SOROS IS CHOCK FULL OF INFORMATION AND TAPES AND DIRECT QUOTES…IT WILL BE AVAILABLE ON HIS SITE IN ITS ENTIRETY…..WORTH WATCHING….RSK “The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails […] Tea Party, Don’t Let Your Opposition Define You Frank Salvato With the mid-term elections now literally in the history books, the powers that be on both the Left side of the aisle and the Right, inside the beltway and out, have finally come to understand the power and appeal of the citizen movement commonly […] How To End The Doctor Dance Republicans have been slow to embrace Rep. Paul Ryan’s road map to tax and spending reform. The midterm election results may change that. AP Medicare: The AMA is warning of a “catastrophic” cut in physician payments. Relax. The world isn’t about to end. But costs will keep soaring […] Coming for Christie Posted By Jacob Laksin The Justice Department under President Obama may be unwilling to investigate the New Black Panthers, but it’s apparently intent on scrutinizing that other menace to society – New Jersey’s upstart Republican governor Chris Christie [1]. This month, the Justice Department’s inspector general released a report purporting to […]