By JOHN BOLTON Direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, for 21 months the centerpiece of Obama administration Middle East policy, are moving inevitably toward collapse. The talks may limp past our Nov. 2 election, but they are doomed to fail. The Palestinian Authority (PA) fully understands that the talks—and the “two state solution”—will fail. It needs a plan […] Future Shock Written by: Diana West Mohammed Enait, counselor for plaintiffs in the Wilders Trial — The spectacle continues. Following Friday’s announcement that prosecutors in the Geert Wilders trial in Amsterdam have recommended that Wilders be acquitted, the trial of course (?) continues until November 5 when the judge hands down his or — […] Troops chafe at restrictive rules of engagement, talks with Taliban By: Sara A. Carter National Security Correspondent October 19, 2010 A U.S. Army Chinook helicopter from the 101st Airborne Division transports U.S. infantrymen from one position to another in Zhari District, southern Afghanistan. (AP file photo) KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN — To the U.S. Army soldiers […] The Muslim Brotherhood: Islam’s Global Challenge to the West Moshe Dann –, October 19th, 2010 The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is one of the most dangerous Islamic groups in the world today, not only because it supports terrorism — providing political and financial support for its Palestinian branch, Hamas, for example – but because it […]
Remarkable Speech by Oscar Freysinger (Lead Swiss Minaret Ban)–Thanks to Ned May/GOV Finally, it is hoped that Islam may reform itself in the years to come and that it goes through a sort of Enlightenment, which puts a definitive end to fanatical Islamism. As this is not yet the case, we have a duty […]
PETER CORRIGAN IS RUNNING AGAINST DENNIS KUCINICH IN OHIO DISTRICT 10…. The latest sign of just how bad things are getting for Democrats? Bill Kristol at The Weekly Standard writes that Dennis Kucinich might be in trouble: The poll (based on a small but respectable 319 person sample, with a margin of error of […]
Germany and the Failure of Multiculturalism October 19, 2010 | 0855 GMT By George Friedman German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared at an Oct. 16 meeting of young members of her party, the Christian Democratic Union, that multiculturalism, or Multikulti, as the Germans put it, “has failed totally.” Horst Seehofer, minister-president of Bavaria and the […]
Half-Dozen N.Y. Races May Help G.O.P. Win House Gordon M. Grant for The New York Times CHALLENGER Randy Altschuler, right, a Republican candidate in New York’s First Congressional District, with Dan Kirby, left, a campaign volunteer, and Tom Darrow, a campaign aide, going door-to-door in Shoreham, N.Y. Mr. Altschuler, a businessman, has poured his own […] Killings in Nigeria Are Linked to Islamic Sect By ADAM NOSSITER MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — A rash of mysterious killings by gun-wielding motorcycle assassins of policemen, politicians and others in this city near the desert has led authorities to declare that a radical Islamic sect thought to have been crushed by Nigerian troops last year […] The Liberal Lynch Mob Comes for the Jews Again Posted: 18 Oct 2010 08:40 PM PDT The ADL just honored Rupert Murdoch who delivered a speech mentioning Jabotinsky. At the Huffington Post, David A Love demands to know “Why would a prominent civil rights organization — one which is supposedly dedicated to fighting bigotry […]