Professors for Hijab Posted By Phyllis Chesler So many educated people are afflicted by the equivalent of a blank stare where genuine thought should exist. It’s as if they’re sleepwalkers, oblivious to reality, or under plexiglass, where they can’t hear anything with which they don’t already agree. Here’s a case in point. A woman […]

EUROPE REVERTS TO TYPE: BRET STEPHENS ON INDIFFERENCE TO OVERT ANTI-SEMITISM “One answer is that there are about 1.5 million Jews in the EU today, as against some 16 million Muslims, and politicians are responsive to numbers. Fair enough. The other answer is that Europe—and not just Muslim Europe—is pervasively anti-Semitic.” If a top European mandarin mouths off about Jews and the rest of Europe’s […]

CAL THOMAS: RADICAL ISLAM-RABID, ADVANCING, INTOLERANT AND SUBJUGATING…MUST BE CONQUERED Terry Jones, the Florida “minister” who threatened to burn the Koran on the anniversary of September 11, is as much a distraction from the real challenge facing America as was Senator Joseph McCarthy when it came to communism. Communism was (and remains in its Chinese incarnation) a real threat. But radical Islam — rabid, […]

TALIBAN DEFACE KORAN TO SELL HEROIN…. Sgt. John Ellis, left, conducts searches in towns near his platoon’s remote outpost. Ellis says he has found children selling heroin wrapped in torn pages of the Quran. By Jack Gruber, USA TODAY Taliban Deface Koran to Sell Heroin The Taliban are using pages torn from the Koran to package heroin sold on the […]

FRANK GAFFNEY: SEND AWAY THE MARINES? Force review could leave the Corps high and dry By Frank J. Gaffney Jr. – The Washington Times 6:30 p.m., Monday, September 13, 2010 Marines!” For many generations, successive U.S. presidents have given those orders, from early in our nation’s history in places like Montezuma’s palaces in Mexico to the Barbary pirates’ shores of […]

ON THE 44TH PRESIDENT AND THE DAMAGE DONE TO AMERICA AND HIS PARTY mod=loomia&loomia_si=t0:a16:g2:r3:c0.0833683:b37249726 “It’s not too early to assess the damage done by America’s 44th president. He squandered his mandate and the public’s enormous good will. He alienated voters and dropped a heavy yoke on his party with useless spending and a shockingly unpopular health-care bill. With pressure mounting and a potentially epic loss looming, Mr. […]

MUSLIM NATIONS DESPISE AMERICA NO MATTER HOW MUCH WE PANDER….WASHTIMES EDITORIAL EDITORIAL: Build the Ground Zero Mosque, or else… Muslim nations despise America no matter how much we pander By THE WASHINGTON TIMES – The Washington Times 7:54 p.m., Monday, September 13, 2010 Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, executive director of the Cordoba Initiative, addresses the Council on Foreign Relations, Monday, Sept. 13, 2010, in New […]

DOJ INSPECTOR GENERAL PROBING NEW BLACK PANTHER VOTER INTIMIDATION CASE Justice IG probing Black Panther case Civil Rights Division the target in suspected worker harassment **FILE** Members of the New Black Panther Party walk toward the U.S. Capitol for the Million More Movement rally to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Million Man March on October 15, 2005. (J.M. Eddins Jr./The Washington Times) By […]

ISLAM DEBATED BY PAUL BERMAN, JEFFREY HERF AND MARC LYNCH FROM FOREIGN AFFARIS MAGAZINE…FALL 2010 From Berlin to Cairo and Back Again By Paul Berman, Jeffrey Herf, and Marc Lynch September/October 2010 Article Summary Do contemporary Islamist movements trace their roots to Nazi Germany? Paul Berman and Jeffrey Herf argue that to say no is to ignore reality. Marc Lynch responds, and suggests that […]


A Tale of Two Galloways Notes on the Early History of UNRWA and Zionist Historiography by Alexander H. Joffe and Asaf Romirowsky Middle Eastern Studies September 2010 Summary A famous quote, ‘Arab leaders don’t give a damn whether the refugees live or die’, attributed to an UNRWA official called ‘Ralph Galloway’, is examined. The […]