THE HEALTHCARE CHART: A NIGHTMARE For Immediate Release AMERICA’S NEW HEALTH CARE SYSTEM REVEALED UPDATED CHART SHOWS OBAMACARE’S BEWILDERING COMPLEXITY Washington, D.C. – Four months after U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi famously declared “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it,”a congressional panel has released the first chart illustrating the 2,801 page health […]

MUST READ INTERVIEW OF JOHN BERNARD….. also at and Youtube in Audio/Video. Dumbing-Down Our National Interest by Baron Bodissey:John Bernard is a twenty-six year veteran of the United States Marine Corps, and in his retirement blogs at Let Them Fight or Bring Them Home. His mission is to highlight the absurd rules of engagement imposed upon members of the […]

PRESIDENT OBAMA BLACKMAILS ISRAEL AT THE UN: ANNE BAYEFSKY President Obama Blackmails Israel at the UN This article by Anne Bayefsky appears today on President Obama has now blackmailed the government of Israel into submitting its defense forces to the toxic oversight of the United Nations. Today U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon created, with Israel’s approval, a UN investigation of last June’s […]

GET LOW: A REVIEW BY MARILYN PENN GET LOW…A REVIEW BY MARILYN PENN Heretical as it may be to dis a Robert Duvall movie, Get Low, a film that pretends to show us that good and evil are not poles apart but intertwined, remains a slow-paced movie that upends no conventions and ends with a mawkish celebration of the basic goodness […]

MEXICO, ARIZONA AND BORDERLANDS: GEORGE FRIEDMAN By George Friedman Arizona’s new law on illegal immigration went into effect last week, albeit severely limited by a federal court ruling. The U.S. Supreme Court undoubtedly will settle the matter, which may also trigger federal regulations. However that turns out, the entire issue cannot simply be seen as an internal American legal matter. […]

FRANK GAFFNEY: ON BASHING MOSLEMS Frank Gaffney On “Bashing” Muslims Last week, a tectonic shift took place in the firmament of the War of Ideas. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich directly and forcefully took on Shariah, the totalitarian theo-political-military program of authoritative Islam that its adherents seek to impose on the entire world. As he noted, the United States […]


PULEEZ! I CAN’T STAND THE WORDS “ISLAMIST”…..OR “ISLAMISM”…IT’S MOSLEM JIHAD….RSK Britain’s New Export: Islamist Carnage by Daniel Pipes National Review Online August 3, 2010 Britain’s largest and longest-running terrorist investigation ended last month with the conviction of three British Muslims. Their 2006 plot involved blowing up trans-Atlantic airliners with the hope of killing up […]

CAL THOMAS:RADICAL ISLAM IS A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO AMERICA None Dare Call It . . . What? By Cal Thomas | Former Speaker Newt Gingrich may be the most notable public figure in some time to state the obvious: radical Islam is a clear and present danger to America. In a speech last week at The American Enterprise Institute in Washington, Gingrich […]

CAROLINE GLICK: LIGHTS, CAMERA, PEACE PROCESS The Israeli Left is on a collision course with the Obama administration. It is reportedly trying to undermine negotiations between the Netanyahu government and Fatah. The Obama administration is earnestly seeking to initiate them. According to an unnamed eyewitness interviewed by Israel Radio, during a July 8 meeting between Kadima Council Chairman and former […]

THE END OF THE ROAD FOR MARXISM IN CUBA? President Raul Castro expanded self-employment fields on Sunday, ahead of looming government plans to slash as many as one million jobs — 20 percent of communist Cuba’s work force — from state payrolls. The economy, 95 percent of which is currently in state hands, does not have the ability to absorb such vast numbers […]