McCARTHY’S BOOK The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America is the best book on the subject of Sharia inroads in America…..rsk The Corner Mosques, Barracks and Bayonets By Andy McCarthy NRO’s excellent editorial this morning on the Ground Zero Mosque (GZM), coupled with Barbara Lerner’s terrific essay yesterday about the rulers who have […]

MELANIE PHILLIPS:IT’S A WAR AGAINST ISRAEL BY ISLAMIC JIHAD “In other words, far from the picture of the Middle East painted by the ignorant and bigoted in the west as a war between Israel and the Palestinians, it is rather a war by the Islamic jihad against all whom it wishes to topple, conquer or annihilate – and that includes certain Arab nations […]


How Damaging Is DOJ’s Failure to Enforce Voting Law? URL to article: Posted By J. Christian Adams In the fall of 2008, Tarrell Campbell [1] was a student at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. With his three separate master’s degrees, he had been on a college campus, somewhere, for more than a decade. He […]

GABE SCHOENFELD REVIEWS A BOOK ON SURVEILLANCE POLICIES “Skating on Stilts-Why We Aren’t Stopping Tomorrow’s Terrorism”By Stewart Baker Hoover Press, 370 pages, $19.95 A review by GABRIEL SCHOENFELD author of “Necessary Secrets: National Security, the Media, and the Rule of Law” (Norton). Are we doomed to suffer another major terrorist strike? For some, it seems like a remote possibility, with the greater […]

OBAMACARE AND THE CONSTITUTION: BETSY MCCAUGHEY ObamaCare and the Constitution—An Update A federal court denies the government’s motion to dismiss the challenge. By BETSY MCCAUGHEY Last November, a reporter asked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if it was constitutional for Congress to require Americans to buy health insurance. Ms. Pelosi responded, “Are you serious?” On Monday, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson […]

ROBERT SPENCER: GREEN LIGHT FOR ISLAMIC SUPREMACISM Greenlight for Islamic Supremacism Posted By Robert Spencer On Tuesday morning, the New York City Landmarks Commission, as expected [1], voted unanimously to deny landmark status to 45 Park Place [2], thus clearing the way for the demolition of the building currently there and the construction of the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero. […]

DANIEL MANDEL: NICARAGUA’S IRANIAN CONNECTION….MUSTREAD Nicaragua’s Iranian Connection Posted By Daniel Mandel It appears as though history is repeating itself in Latin America. Democracies continue to be subverted by ruthless tyrants who show no respect for the constitutions of their own societies. Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, is one such example, but now the Sandinistas’ Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua is […]

NATIONAL REVIEW EDITORIAL: NOT AT GROUND ZERO August 4, 2010 4:00 A.M. Not at Ground Zero The story of the proposed mosque at the site of the World Trade Center has been thoroughly misrepresented, as have the parties behind the project. They present themselves as ambassadors of moderate Islam. Daisy Khan, executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, says […]

TRENTON THUNDER; CHRIS CHRITIE THE GOVERNOR THAT CAN DO IT…DANIEL FOSTER Chris Christie: The Scourge of Trenton From the Aug. 16, 2010, issue of NR. It was supposed to have been the biggest fight of Chris Christie’s young administration: a May showdown over what Democrats in Trenton were calling the “millionaires’ tax,” designed, like each of the 115 statewide tax increases of the last decade, […]

MAJOR HURDLE CLEARED FOR THE ZERO TOLERANCE MOSQUE IN NYC Panel allows mosque close to ground zero No sign of Muslim-9/11 healing An Islamic cultural center that the Cordoba Initiative and the American Society for Muslim Advancement hope to build near ground zero has been trumpeted as an effort toward building bridges between Muslims and the families of Sept. 11 victims. But that wasn’t […]