IN EGYPT 300 SECURITY FORCES STORM A MONASTERY WITH TEAR GAS AND BATONS AND STONES….SEE NOTE PLEASE IMPERVIOUS TO THIS MUBARAK STRUTS HIS STUFF AT THE PROCESSING OF ISRAEL…..RSK Priorities: 300 Egyptian security forces storm monastery with tear gas, batons, and stones to seize building materials, seriously injuring monks Because nothing — nothing! — says “Religion of Peace and Tolerance” quite like beating up on a bunch of monks! At issue […]

IT’S TIME TO “REID” HARRY THE RIOT ACT…..HIS “DREAM” IS A NIGHTMARE Reid’s DREAM Rider Politics: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has hit a new low by slipping an amnesty plan for illegal immigrants into a defense funding bill. In effect, he’s holding U.S. troops hostage to advance his own political career. Longtime members of the Senate Armed Services Committee are shuddering at the way the […]

IF THE MEDIA IGNORED IT…DID IT REALLY HAPPEN? ROBERT SPENCER Media Blackout on Ground Zero Mosque Rally Posted By Robert Spencer The photographs don’t lie: at the 9/11 Rally of Remembrance against the Ground Zero mega-mosque, tens of thousands of people filled the streets. Flags were everywhere, along with numerous homemade signs. Meanwhile, two blocks away, at the counter-protest in favor of the mega-mosque, […]

THE BEHEADER’S VETO: ON JUSTICE BREYER’S SUPREME DHIMMITUDE The Beheader’s Veto By David French In response to Justice Breyer’s comments that Koran-burning may be likened to yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater, I’d like to indulge in a bit of dime-store psychology. Typically, American hecklers will merely shout down speakers, throw pies at them, issue largely empty threats, and vandalize. True political […]

ISLAMOPHOBIA? WELL WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? CLIFFORD MAY….SEE NOTE MORE HATE CRIMES ARE COMMITTED AGAINST JEWS IN THE US THAN AGAINST ARAB/MOSLEMS….AND THAT IS A STATISTICAL FACT…..RSK September 16, 2010 12:00 A.M. Cry Islamophobia! And let slip the dogs of culture war. We Americans should be ashamed! What an intolerant, bigoted, hateful lot we are! Or so we are being told by our […]

WHAT ARE D.C. POLICE DOING ENFORCING SHARIAH LAW? What Are D.C. Police Doing Enforcing Shariah Law? Posted By Ronald Rotunda The Islamic Center, housed in a magnificent building in Washington, D.C., has been around for over a half-century, but it is seldom in the news. Unless you drive by (on Embassy Row) you would not know that it there. Because it is […]

THE SLEAZY IMAM SELLING US A “BRIDGE”….PAMELA GELLER Crawling Out from under the Rauf By Pamela Geller Look what’s crawling out from under the Rauf. Without his Albright résumé and subdued dhimmedia running interference, it is plain as day that this hustler, the renowned “moderate” Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf of the Park 51 Ground Zero mega-mosque initiative, is a lowlife. He has […]

KRAUTHAMMER AND ROVE ARE VERY POOR “PSEPHOLOGICAL PROGNOSTICATORS” SEE NOTE PLEASE THEIR RATHER NASTY DISMISSAL OF O’DONNELL AND ANGLE DIMINISHES THEM AS …WHAT ROGER KIMBELL CALLS   “PSEPHOLOGICAL PROGNOSTICATION”….RSK EDITORIAL: The Tea Party transformation Expect upset victories nationwide in November By THE WASHINGTON TIMES – The Washington Times 6:09 p.m., Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell addresses supporters after winning the Republican nomination […]

JENNIFER RUBIN: SHINING A LIGHT ON THE ISRAEL HATERS Shining Light on the Israel-Haters Jennifer Rubin – 09.15.2010 – 3:32 PM The Jew-haters among the European elite (yes, there’s quite a bit of overlap there) are pitching a fit. Why? Israel is moving ahead with a measure to force NGOs to be more transparent. Nervous that anti-Zionist groups will be unmasked as pawns […]

THE WEST’S UNHOLY ALLIANCE The West’s unholy alliance ‘Almost all terrorism on earth is produced in the Islamic world’ West increasingly currying favor with Islamists while ignoring their murderous tendencies Shaul Rosenfeld YUK When philosophy professor Tom Hickey, one of the initiators of the British academic boycott on Israel, was asked why he refrained from imposing a boycott […]