List of Islamic Terror Attacks For the Past 2 Months Date Country City Killed Injured Description 2010.10.03 Algeria Tizi Ouzou 5 10 Five security personnel in a shooting and bombing ambush by armed fundamentalists. 2010.10.02 Afghanistan Paktika 7 0 Seven members of a family are ripped apart by a Taliban roadside blast, including three […], you think the Ku Klux Klan and the Spanish Inquisition are bad? So do we, but… Put the Numbers in Perspective More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined. (source) Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in […] Says his faith in the Quran cements his belief Famed Arab space scientist believes in ghouls Dr Farouq al-Baz has worked for NASA for the past 43 years (File) PARIS (Kamal Qubeissi) Arab world’s most prominent space scientist working in NASA believes in supernatural creatures, but admits he has no evidence to prove otherwise […] More than 28,000 people are believed to have been killed in drug cartel-related violence in Mexico , close to our border cities since late 2006, but our government is obsessing about those pesky “settlements” in you know where….rsk Soldiers patrol along a public square in the municipality of Guadalupe, nor… Northern Mexico was shaken […] Thug-In-Chief to U.S. leaders: “May the undertaker bury you, your table and your body, which has soiled the world” Shades of Khrushchev. “Ahmadinejad calls for US leaders to be ‘buried,’” by Ali Akbar Dareini for Associated Press, September 3 (thanks to JCB): TEHRAN, Iran – Iran’s president Sunday called for U.S. leaders to be […] Italy arrests “Frenchman” with ties to al-Qaeda “The suspect had notes and a kit for making bombs.” That will be hard to explain away. “French terrorism suspect arrested in Italy,” by Angela Charlton for the Associated Press, October 3 (thanks to Sr. Soph): PARIS – Italian police have arrested a Frenchman suspected of links […] Texan wants Guard troops at states’ call Border governors could get up to 10,000 under GOP measure A Texas Republican who steadfastly has prodded the federal government to better secure the U.S.–Mexico border has introduced legislation requiring the Defense Department to make National Guard troops available to states on request. Rep. Ted Poe, in […] MAYBE IF OUR TROOPS THERE STOPPED DOING “SOCIAL WORK” AND SEDATED THE ENEMIES UNDER PROPER RULES OF ENGAGEMENT WE COULD MAKE A BETTER EXIT…..RSK GOP lawmakers say troop cap in Afghanistan invites attacks A U.S. Army helicopter prepares to leave a forward operating base in Afghanistan. Republican lawmakers say there are not enough troops […] OH DEAR THEY MAY HAVE TO ER……PROFILE….AND RAISE THE POSSIBILITY OF ER… INSULTING SOME MEMBERS OF THE RELIGION OF PEACE……RSK World scoured for terror plotters Europeans raise alert levels; U.S. advises travelers TOWERING THREAT: French soldiers patrol the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Sunday. The State Department is cautioning Americans traveling in Europe to […]
Socialists Have A Washington Rally “Disappointing” Attendance, Divisive Rhetoric, Didn’t Pick Up Trash For those who had the stomach to watch, today was the The One Nation, Working Together get out the vote movement led by United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ). United For Peace and Justice, started as an anti-war group, but has […]