We Allow Them to Blackmail Us — Islam vs. the West By Eileen F. Toplansky The Muslim world does not have to fire a single shot; the Western world is capitulating to the Islamists’ every demand. Three recent events show the continuing and relentless interplay among Islamists worldwide. The latest assault is playing out in […] Child bride horrors last a lifetime By Mohammed Jamjoom, CNN October 1, 2010 3:42 a.m. EDT Age 14 and already divorced in Yemen STORY HIGHLIGHTS Yemen parliament looking again at outlawing child marriage Girl tells how at 11 she was forced to marry a 32-year-old cousin who raped her Rights campaigner says the […]
THANKS TO ATLAS SHRUGS Busy Finish to Busy Month for UK Muslim Rapists, Paedophiles & Pimps ** UPDATED ** In my last blog Busy Month for UK Muslim Rapists, Paedophiles & Pimps I cited nine incidents of said crimes committed against the British people – more specifically in England. The last date was September […] “Winnipeg students” join jihad in Pakistan, local Muslims “stressed” over ongoing investigation There are so many better things to be “stressed” over here than feigning victim-hood over the investigation. At the very least, they could be concerned about their co-religionists whose sons have disappeared on them. Better yet, they could be concerned for the […] By Eileen Sullivan and Matthew LeeWASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration is considering telling U.S. citizens to be vigilant as they travel in Europe, updated guidance prompted by fresh al Qaeda threats, American and European officials told The Associated Press on Saturday. Such a move could have negative implications for European tourism if travelers […]
GEERT WILDERS IN BERLIN: “TEAR DOWN THE WALL OF DENIAL AND IGNORANCE ABOUT THE REAL NATURE OF ISLAM” Wilders in Berlin, Invokes Reagan: “Tear Down the Wall of Denial and Ignorance About the Real Nature of Islam” Posted By Andrew Bostom On October 2, 2010 Geert Wilders Berlin Speech, October 2, 2010 [1] (and he quotes Bernard Lewis, from here [2]): Dear Friends, I am very happy to be here in Berlin […] The Naked and Apathetic Vote Obama and his media poodles have announced that a new crisis is upon us. Voter apathy. Naturally the apathy is only a crisis because it affects Democratic voters. If voter apathy threatened to keep Republican or Independent voters home, the media would suddenly be running stories about how voting […]
NO DOUBT WE WILL HEAR PRAISE FROM SOME CONSERVATIVE QUARTERS AS WE DID WHEN ROBERT NOVAK DIED. SOBRAN WAS A NASTY ANTI-SEMITE WHO WAS “SKEPTICAL” ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST AND BLAMED 9/11 ON ISRAEL. HE DIED YOUNG WHICH IS ALWAYS TRAGIC BUT I REGRET HIS LIFE AND HIS OEVRE WHICH ALIENATED SO MANY DECENT PEOPLE FROM TRUE CONSERVATISM…..RSK […] By STEVE MOORE ‘Look, we know we screwed up when we were in the majority. We fell in love with power. We spent way too much money—especially on earmarks. There was too much corruption when we ran this place. We were guilty. And that’s why we lost.” That’s the confession of Eric Cantor, the […] THE NETANYAHU GOVERMENT AT ITS HALFWAY POINT: KEEPING THINGS QUIET? By Jonathan Spyer * The key policy challenge put forth by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been the threat of the Iranian nuclear program. Yet there is a sense of contradiction between his bold assertion of dangers that must be stopped (when in […]