NONIE DARWISH: DEATH TO DESERTERS Death to Deserters Posted By Nonie Darwish On July 14, 2010 @ 12:02 am In FrontPage | No Comments “God has commanded us to kill those who leave Islam.” These are the words of Islamic scholar Sheikh Youssef Al-Badri, a member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs in Egypt, which were stated on […]

MICHELLE MALKIN; THE MEDIA’S REACTION TO BLACK PANTHER VOTER INTIMIDATION AND RACISM? SHHHHH Whitewashing Black Racism Posted By Michelle Malkin Why haven’t national media outlets reported on the vile and violent rants of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) thugs whose 2008 voter intimidation tactics got a pass from the Obama administration? Simple: Radical black racism doesn’t fit the Hope and Change narrative. There’s no way to […]

N.J. SUPREMES RULE THAT DUI’S MUST HAVE THEIR RIGHTS EXPLAINED IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE….NOT ENGLISH N.J. court reverses DUI case The state’s Supreme Court ruled Monday that police must explain the state’s implied consent law to motorists in a language they understand. By Laura Bruno, USA TODAY TRENTON, N.J. — Drivers in New Jersey who don’t speak English must be informed of the consequences of refusing to take an […]

REP. PETER KING BUCKS BLOOMBERG AND OPPOSES GROUND ZERO MOSQUE – N.Y. Congressman Calls for Inquiry Into Funding of Mosque Near Ground Zero N.Y. Congressman Calls for Inquiry Into Funding of Mosque at Ground Zero Fox NEW YORK — The ranking Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee said Monday he favors an investigation into the funding of a proposed mosque near […]

PAMELA GELLER: MOSQUEING GROUND ZERO New York officials are violating protocol to build a mega mosque at Ground Zero. They are ramming it through in warped speed, removing every obstacle to expedite the process in order to meet its stated opening date of September 11, 2011, the tenth anniversary of the terror attacks. On Tuesday, the Landmarks Commission is […]

HUMBERTO FONTOVA: ANNIVERSARY OF A CASTROITE MASSACRE Humberto Fontova Anniversary of a Castroite Massacre EMAIL HUMBERTO FONTOVA | COLUMNIST’S ARCHIVE In the predawn darkness of July 13, 1994, 72 desperate Cubans – old and young, male and female – sneaked aboard a decrepit but seaworthy tugboat in Havana harbor and set off for the U.S. and the prospect of freedom. Let […]

MICHELLE MALKIN: THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF CODDLED RACISTS The National Association for the Advancement of Coddled People EMAIL MICHELLE MALKIN | COLUMNIST’S ARCHIVE Before the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People decided to ride the anti-tea party wave back to political relevancy, its most recent activist crusade involved a silly space-themed Hallmark graduation card. Yes, the NAACP has been lost […]

SOMALI-AMERICANS JOINING TERRORIST GROUPS NOTE Ashish Kumar Sen WE RESCUED THESE PEOPLE AND NOW THE MOSQUES HAVE LURED AN ALARMING NUMBER TO JIHAD….RSK A number of Americans have traveled to Somalia to join up with al Shabab as well as al Qaeda, according to a senior U.S. administration official. The official, in a background briefing with reporters on Tuesday […]

THE SULTAN; THE INHUMAN GOVERNMENT The Inhuman Government One of the great errors of big government liberalism is its belief that inhuman systems are superior to human beings. This form of mechanical thinking is a commonplace error in a scientific age in which we have become used to using mechanical systems to solve problems. But people are not machines, […]

PAUL BERMAN RIDES INTO BATTLE: MELANIE PHILLIPS Melanie Phillips I have recently finished reading Paul Berman’s latest book, ‘The Flight of the Intellectuals’. It’s terrific. The first part is an evisceration of that Islamist in westernised clothing, Tariq Ramadan. By the time Berman has finished with him, there’s not much left of his reputation as the western establishment’s poster-boy for modernised […]