THE MUSIC WORLD GOES ANTI-ISRAEL….PART ONE The Music World Goes Anti-Israel – Part I Posted By Rob Harris On July 14, 2010 @ 12:00 am In FrontPage | No Comments [Editor’s note: This is the first installment of a three-part series. Part II will appear in tomorrow’s issue.] In the aftermath of the Gaza flotilla incident, a significant number of […]

KOFI ANNAN’S HOLOCAUST PROBLEM: MOSHE PHILLIPS Kofi Annan’s Holocaust Problem By Moshe Phillips In June, a shockingly disturbing article about Holocaust education appeared in The New York Times online and The International Herald Tribune and was written by Kofi Annan, the former Secretary General of the United Nations. Annan questions the value of teaching about the Holocaust in the first […]

TODD YOUNG FOR CONGRESS..INDIANA 9TH: ELECTIONS ARE COMING ON NATIONAL DEFENSE As one who has served in the United States Navy, graduated from the United States Naval Academy and served as an intelligence officer in the United States Marine Corps, I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about issues of national security. I believe we must keep our military […]


July 13, 2010 Exclusive: Peace, Tolerance and Religious Freedom? No Way Alyssa A. Lappen Ground Zero mosque wanna-be developers show their true radical colors On October 20, 2009, American Society of Muslim Advancement (ASMA) leader Feisal Abdul Rauf and his wife Daisy Kahn, both received a letter from Former Muslims United (FMU) requesting that they […]

“ROGUE’ AFGHAN SOLDEIR GUNS DOWN THREE BRITISH SOLDIERS Rogue Afghan Soldier Kills 3 British Troops July 13, 2010 Associated Press KABUL, Afghanistan — A rogue Afghan soldier fired a rocket-propelled grenade into a group of international forces early Tuesday, killing three British troops, a military spokesman said. Four others were wounded. Afghan President Hamid Karzai sent a letter of apology to the […]

GITMO GRADUATES: GIMME SHELTER! GUANTANAMO PRISONERS: Please let us stay! “The detainees fear that they might be tortured or killed if they return to Algeria. Which is to say, actually tortured, something that has never happened at Gitmo, notwithstanding the global hyperventilation of the last seven or eight years.” No such hyperventilation about Algeria. Or Iran. Or Egypt. […]


NRO — The Corner Tuesday, July 13, 2010 Another one for the “Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing” File [Andy McCarthy] The most transparent president of all time made his most transparent move yet in the recess appointment of an unabashed socialist, Dr. Donald Berwick, as his new healthcare rationing czar (i.e., administrator of the Centers […]

ARRESTED FOR PROSELYTIZING CHRISTIANITY TO ARABS? 4 missionaries charged in Dearborn festival proselytizing Steve Pardo / The Detroit News Dearborn — Four Christian missionaries were arraigned today on misdemeanor charges of disturbing the peace following their June 18 arrest at the Arab International Festival. Negeen Mayel, 18, of California; Nabeel Qureshi, 29, of Virginia; Paul Rezkalla, 18 of New York, […]

OBAMA’S IMMIGRATION FAKERY In 2007, then-Sen. Obama helped derail an immigration bill he claimed to support. He’s no more serious about a bipartisan bill today. Many of us in the press have had a field day noting Sen. John McCain’s (R., Ariz.) transformation from immigration maverick to the Wyatt Earp of border control. Fair enough. Back when […]

DR. BERWICK’S STEP TOWARDS CASTROCARE: BRET STEPHENS Heaven forbid that anyone accuse Donald Berwick—lately of Harvard, newly of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, with $800 billion under management—of being an admirer of Cuba’s health-care system. In the matter of CastroCare, progressives of Dr. Berwick’s stripe are rarely at a loss for superlatives. But suggest that ObamaCare is a step […]