“There are people who say we’re messianic and all this, but we are the people with our feet most on the ground,” says Dayan. “The ones who say a Palestinian state will solve everything, they are messianic. They are the ones detached from reality.” Could Israelis in Occupied West Bank Derail Peace Talks? By […] Thomas E. Perez, assistant attorney general for civil rights, is in big trouble. The public-interest group Judicial Watch yesterday released a 62-page index of documents regarding the New Black Panther Partyvoter-intimidation case that undermines the credibility of Mr. Perez and of the Department of Justice under Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. For more […] HERE IS ONE YOU CAN’T ONLY BLAME ONLY ON OBAMA. ALL PREVIOUS ADMINISTRATIONS FAILED TO RECOGNIZE THE RESURGENCE OF ISLAM THROUGHOUT THE MIDDLE EAST….AND THE FAULT LIES AS SQUARELY WITH THE BUSHES AND CLINTON AND CARTER AND SO CALLED GREAT MINDS LIKE KISSINGER….THEY ALL FLUNKED….RSK Who lost Turkey? ) | You have to hand […]
Harvard Cancels Peretz Speech ‘TNR’ editor under fire for remarks about Muslims BY MARC TRACY | Sep 21, 2010 This is the post I’ve been avoiding. Writing about Martin Peretz, the editor-in-chief and part-owner of The New Republic, and his recent comment, “Muslim life is cheap, most notably to Muslims,” seemed useless and dispiriting for […]
Our way or the no way say the Palarabs Fayyad storms out of New York meeting with Ayalon By JORDANA HORN 09/22/2010 00:52 Ayalon to ‘Post’: “What I say is that if the Palestinians are not willing to talk about two states for two peoples, let alone a Jewish state for Israel, then there’s […] Jesse and his wife, Aubrey, live in Marana, a town just northwest of Tucson, Arizona. They are raising two sons, James and Luke. The family attends Alive Christian Church in Marana. Jesse is a project manager of Don Kelly Construction, his family’s contracting business, where he oversees multi-million dollar infrastructure projects. As a project […] Legitimizing Illegal Immigrant Chameleons? A news report appeared in the Sunday, September 19th edition of the Washington Times. It is of great importance to the citizens of our nation, just as I am certain that this story is of great concern to the citizens of Denmark. The story deals with an individual who was […] “Failed states are dangerous, but a failed state that possesses nuclear bombs is a particularly dangerous entity.” In 1994, the Communist dictator of North Korea, Kim il Sung, died of heart failure. Known to the masses as “Great Leader“, his passing was attended by displays of mourning that were – to cynical eyes – […] Millions dying needlessly from malaria could be saved by a harmless insecticide Imagine losing millions of Americans to malaria. As recently as the 1940s, malaria thrived here in America, afflicting many. Fortunately, we were able completely eradicate it, ending needless suffering and death. How? Through some fancy, expensive, high-tech process? Not at all! Malaria […]
The Specter of Palestine Posted By P. David Hornik Last week another chapter of Israeli-Palestinian “peace talks” began. It hasn’t gone very far yet, and it still could all break down. But for those who see a sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza as an intolerable security threat to Israel, it’s […]