NRO — The Corner Ground Zero Thought Experiment August 21, 2010 2:44 PM By Andy McCarthy A friend poses the following: Imagine that there really were these fundamentalist Christian terror cells all over the United States, as the Department of Homeland Security imagines. Let’s say a group of five of these terrorists hijacked a […]
The No-Go Mojo Man By Carol A. Taber at August 23, 2010 A couple of weeks ago, Sarah Palin suggested that President Obama lacked the requisite “cojones” to stand up for border security. She should have waited. If she had, she would have seen that President Obama’s lack of cojones extends far beyond border […]
TRUE TO FORM THE NYTIMES FINDS EXAMPLES IN MOSES AND THE OLD TESTAMENT…..RSK OF THE WEEK ON STONING&st=cse&scp=1&pagewanted=print Crime (Sex) and Punishment (Stoning) By ROBERT F. WORTH It may be the oldest form of execution in the world, and it is certainly among the most barbaric. In the West, death by stoning is so […] Shock: Climate Depot takes skeptics’ message to major warmist summit! Granted 90 min. to present global warming alternative view Marc Morano – Climate Depot Climate Depot’s Marc Morano will be a featured speaker at the Aspen American Renewable Energy Day (AREDAY) summit on Sunday August 22, 2010 at 5:30 – 7pm MDT. In the […] In this rather good column there is a quote of Moshe Arens at the end…. “The Palestinian state may yet follow, but this time it will need Israel’s agreement.†which makes a mockery of the entire argument abaout Gaza….A Palarab state will be an irreversible and fatal Gaza redux…..rsk GAZA DISENGAGEMENT WAS DISASTROUS FOR […] Moderate Muslims must recognize how terror and sedition under color of Islam inspire fear of Islam by Bill Levinson Elizabeth I, who was perhaps England’s greatest monarch, is still painted as a monster by the Catholic Church. It was during her reign, but apparently without her approval, that Saint Margaret Clitherow was executed by […]
Winning hearts and minds means losing your own Basic Training as Basic Submission Written by:Diana West DIANA WEST Winning hearts and minds means losing your own. It involves teaching defenders of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to “respect” an Islamic tribal culture (as advocated by Admiral Mullen and […] Will an IDF Withdrawal from the West Bank Mean a Safe Haven for Extremist Groups? Col. Richard Kemp is former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan. This Jerusalem Issue Brief is based on his presentation at a conference on “Israel’s Critical Security Needs for a Viable Peace,” held in Jerusalem on June 2, 2010. […] Why the Left Hates Democracy Posted: 21 Aug 2010 07:01 PM PDT Democratic governments derive their legitimacy from popular support in direct elections. Non-Democratic governments derive their legitimacy from a “special duty” to protect the country as embodied by a particular racial or economic group, in accordance with a set of overriding values. Such […]
Imam Feisal’s Trip of ‘Great Importance’: We Have a Sighting in Bahrain URL to article: Posted By Claudia Rosett On August 21, 2010 @ 10:17 pm In Uncategorized | No Comments Thank you, New York Post. We have a report Saturday that “[a]ppearing in public for the first time in weeks,†the man behind […]