STAY TUNED…..FEINGOLD IS A J STREET FAVORITE…..AND A LOCKSTEP OBAMATHON….RSK GOP newcomer hot on the heels of Feingold in Senate-race polls By Sean Lengell Feingold It was supposed to be an easy re-election for Sen. Russ Feingold. And come November, it still may be. But for now, the Wisconsin Democrat is facing one of […]

Failed Zionism – Liberal Utopianism and the Abandonment of Israel….D.L. Adams Failed Zionism – Liberal Utopianism and the Abandonment of Israel D.L. Adams The new moral and ethical litmus test is how one views Israel. There seems to be a pervasive confusion about the difference between victim and aggressor, criminal and innocent, in the West and certainly in sectors where such confusion is both difficult […]

Why Has the West Pretended Russia was Democratic and Modern?FSM Editor Exclusive: Why Has the West Pretended Russia was Democratic and Modern? The Editor…..Adrian Morgan The case of the eleven individuals who are said by the FBI to have been “illegals” – i.e.spies who are not working under the direction of a particular embassy – is being played out in the media at two levels. […]

IT’S BEGINNING TO FEEL LIKE 1932:Ambrose Evans-Pritchard With the US trapped in depression, this really is starting to feel like 1932 The US workforce shrank by 652,000 in June, one of the sharpest contractions ever. The rate of hourly earnings fell 0.1pc. Wages are flirting with deflation. By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard “The economy is still in the gravitational pull of the Great […]

Expelled in Morocco A U.S. ally mistreats American Christians. Morocco has long been considered a bastion of relative religious tolerance in the Muslim world, but since March the government has summarily expelled dozens of Americans for Christian proselytizing. Of the more than 100 Christians (some of them non-Americans) who have been deported—humanitarian workers, businessmen and teachers—many had lived in Morocco for more than […]

DENNIS PRAGER; NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “WORLD” AND LEFT WING OPINIONS Dennis Prager Name One Difference Between World Opinion and Left-Wing Opinion Here’s a challenge: Can you name one difference between what the media refer to as “world opinion” and Left-wing opinion? Take all the time you need. But no matter how much time you take, you probably won’t come up with any examples. Here […]

NOBEL LAUREATE PROFESSOR ISRAEL AUMANN: THE BLACKMAILER’S PARADOX The Blackmailer’s Paradox: Arab-Israel Negotiations are a Game by Prof. Yisrael Aumann Two men—let us call them Reuben and Simon—are put in a small room containing a suitcase filled with bills totaling $100,000. The owner of the suitcase announces the following: “I will give you the money in the suitcase under one condition…you have […]

SEE WHO MIGHT BAIL OUT BP….. BP reportedly turns to Mideast investors to help it stay afloat BP is discussing a strategic investment from Middle Eastern financial institutions in order to remain an independent company, according to media reports. The company reportedly approached institutions in Kuwait, Qatar and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. A 50% drop in BP’s share price […]


By Ted Belman Last week I attended a seminar on the legal status of the territories hosted by Media Central for reporters and correspondents. Professor Ruth Lapidot, renowned scholar on international law, and a young female Arab lawyer, Nada Kiswanson representing al Haq presented. al Haq, funded by the EU, prepares legal analysis from […]

ROGER KIMBALL: “THE PEANUTS PROTOCOL” “Did you hear the President warn last week that when he presented “some very difficult choices to the country,” next year, he hoped that “some of these folks who are hollering about deficits and debt step-up because I’m calling their bluff”? As usual Thomas Sowell hit the proverbial nail on the head. In his […]