AFGHAN SOLDIER KILLS CIVILAIN GROUP TRAINERS Afghan Soldier Shot Trainers in Argument July 21, 2010 Associated Press KABUL, Afghanistan — An Afghan soldier opened fire on U.S. civilian trainers at an army base in northern Afghanistan, killing two Americans before being shot dead, the Defense Ministry said Wednesday. An argument started during a weapons-training exercise and the Afghan soldier turned […]

WHY WORRY ABOUT RUSSIA’S NUKE CHEATING? BIZARRE ADMINISTRATION RESPONSE US: No Worries on Russian Nuke Cheating July 21, 2010 Associated Press p>WASHINGTON — Even large-scale Russian cheating on a new nuclear arms treaty would not hurt U.S. security because U.S. nuclear superiority would more than offset any Russian actions, the Obama administration has concluded. James Miller, the Defense Department’s leading authority on nuclear […]

KABUL CONFERENCEN: GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL….JUST THE HARD FACTS IGNORED,1518,707689,00.html NATO foreign ministers heard only what they wanted to hear on Tuesday in Kabul as they sought to reassure the world that withdrawal can take place in 2014. The reality, however, is quite different. And in the end, Hamid Karzai, who is already looking for ways to cement his post-NATO power, will be the […]

HAMBURG: SEE NO TERROR? Hamburg: See No Terror The decision to send a Gitmo detainee to the city where the 9/11 plot was hatched displays willful blindness on the part of German authorities, and the Obama administration. July 21, 2010 – by John Rosenthal “Hamburg is always being mentioned in connection with September 11, 2001, and for this […]

KAGAN AND THE MILITARY: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AT HARVARD? Kagan and the Military: What Really Happened Her intellectually dishonest opposition to our armed forces during a time of war shows bad judgement. She doesn’t belong on the Supreme Court. By PETE HEGSETH Yesterday the Senate Judiciary Committee sent Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court nomination to the floor of the Senate for a vote. Republican […]

Guantanamo is no venue for a civilian jury trial….Michael Mukasey By Michael B. Mukasey Tuesday, July 20, 2010 There were fatal flaws in the recent suggestion that Congress should designate Guantanamo Bay part of an existing federal district court or as a separate federal district court so that those accused of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks can be tried there [“Try them in federal […]

JOHN BOLTON: LOCKERBIE AND BP MATTER MORE THAN OBAMA BP and Lockerbie matter more than Obama Yesterday at 7:57am The Times July 20, 2010 By John Bolton David Cameron’s meetings with Barack Obama today will brim with surface conviviality. Mr Obama now does conviviality well, having recently practised with Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister. Mr Obama spent his first 18 months in […]

JOHN BERNARD: THE “INFIDELOPHOBIA”CANCER IS SPREADING The Cancer is Spreading; Anti-‘Infidel’ Hatred Manifested In the past two weeks we have read more stories about ANA turning their weapons on their NATO and American ‘counterparts’. These are not the first incidences in this 9 year conflict to be sure but it is the first time two incidences of this kind have […]

REVISITING BIBI’S VISIST: DAVID ISAAC….VERY GOOD COLUMN Revisiting Bibi’s Visit By David Isaac On his visit to the U.S., Netanyahu gave speeches to the Council on Foreign Relations and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. He also held high-profile interviews with Katie Couric and Chris Wallace. His performance was disappointing. Netanyahu didn’t use these opportunities to make Israel’s […]

America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution…..long but brilliant

Feature America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution By Angelo M. Codevilla from the July 2010 – August 2010 issue As over-leveraged investment houses began to fail in September 2008, the leaders of the Republican and Democratic parties, of major corporations, and opinion leaders stretching from the National Review magazine (and the […]