DISGRACING 9/11 MARILYN PENN It’s hard to believe that only nine years after 9/11, our national dialogue has been preoccupied not with reminders of who the individual victims were and how their families’ lives and our own have been forever altered, but with the sensibilities of the Muslim world, here and abroad. The New […]
THE ARAB INFLUENCE IN SPAIN IS TREMENDOUS…..EVEN WHEN WE WERE THERE IN 1998 IN PORTO BANUS IN MARBELLA WE WERE ASKED TO RELINQUISH OUR TABLE IN MID MEAL BECAUSE AN ARAB TYCOON WANTED A WATER VIEW…THEIR MEGA YACHTS CHOKED THE MARINA….RSK Poll: One in three Spaniards is anti-Semitic Survey released on the eve of […] Iconoclast Gay Saudi diplomat seeking asylum: “My life is in danger” Ali Ahmad Asseri, a ranking Saudi diplomat in Los Angeles has a real problem. He’s been outted as a gay with a Jewish woman friend. Asseri rightfully asserts that: “My Life is in danger”. He has two strikes against him in Wahhabiland – […]
Page Printed from: at If You Can Blackmail Yale, Why Not Blackmail New York City? By Joel J. Sprayregen Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf unashamedly told CNN that relocating the Ground Zero Mosque will proximately cause havoc: “The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack. But if you don’t do […]
Geert Wilders Momentous Speech At Ground Zero Today (audio link) (link to text) Dear friends, May I ask you to be silent for ten seconds? Just be silent and listen. Ten seconds. And listen… What we hear are the sounds of life in the greatest city on earth. No place in the world, […]
Website for this image TIM SCOTT FOR CONGRESS S.C.DISTRICT 1 AND : NIKKI HALEY FOR GEVERNOR READ GEORGE WILL ON S.C. As GOP diversifies, South Carolina is rising By George F. Will The libretto of this operatic election season, understandably promoted by Democrats and unsurprisingly sung by many in the media, is that Republicans have sown […] 9/11: The Rhetoric and the Reality, and the Failure of Policy September 11, 2010 – Ruth King As memory of 9/11 recedes our policy makers, military leaders and pundits are more worried about offending Moslem sensibilities and being accused of Islamophobia than actually confronting the facts about jihad. There is much nostalgia today for President […]….. READ THEM ALL…BELOW THIS COLUMN ARE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE BEST ONES THE ONLY THING WORTH DYING FOR: RENEE TAYLOR September 11, 2010 – Renee Taylor September 11, 2001. The date has faded from memory for far too many, almost becoming a cliché of sorts, like D-Day becoming just another day in military history. In the nine years […] Cyber-jihad group implicated in massive virus attack earlier this week The security vendor SecureWorks has traced the virus to a cyber-jihad group called Tariq ibn Ziyad, named after an 8th-century Muslim conquerer of Spain (also the name of the “Minnesota Madrassa” we have covered here, if the name seems familiar). The symbolism of the […]