–15510 A Blind Eye to Campus Anti-Semitism? Kenneth L. Marcus September 2010 During the first years of the 21st century, the virus of anti-Semitism was unleashed with a vengeance in Irvine, California. There, on the campus of the University of California at Irvine, Jewish students were physically and verbally harassed, threatened, shoved, stalked, and targeted […]
Charles Krauthammer “Until Palestine is ready to offer concessions, peace talks will accomplish nothing.”..” The prospects are dim but the process is right. The Obama administration is to be commended for structuring the latest rounds of Middle East talks correctly. Finally, we’re leaving behind interim agreements, of which the most lamentable were the Oslo […] Imagining Islam Wishful thinking will not bring success or security. If only the fantasy were true: If only there actually were a dominant, pro-American, echt moderate Islam, an ideology so dedicated to human rights, so sternly set against savagery, that acts of terrorism were, by definition, “un-Islamic activity.” Imagine an Islam that, far from […]
AFTER WATCHING TONY BLAIR INTERVIEWED AND HEARING HIS LATE BUT WELCOME RECOGNITION THAT THE WEST IS FIGHTING SHARIA AND JIHAD; HIS ALMOST THATCHER LIKE DEFENSE OF CHENEY AND A DEFIANT ATTITUDE TOWARD IRAN…I ACTUALLY LIKE THE CHAP…..RSK It was only a question of time before discussion of Tony Blair’s recently published memoirs — A Journey– […] The 9/11 Gazwa and the Cordoba Mosque By Ashraf Ramelah I shall never forget that very sad morning in September nine years ago, when Arab-Muslims committed their Manhattan and Washington, D.C. Gazwa, leaving about three thousand innocent people murdered. “Gazwa” is an Arab term used to indicate a successful attack upon the enemy or […]
The Political Violence of the Bible and the Koran By Bill WarnerPage Printed from: at September 11, 2010 – 04:59:41 AM CDT One of the most frequently used arguments in the defense of Islam is that the Bible is just as violent as the Koran. The logic goes like this. If the Koran is […] Pastor arrested for sharing gospel with Muslims…in Kansas Like in Dearborn, Michigan, proselytizing – or merely talking to Muslims on public streets appears to be against the law in the U.S. – just as it is under Islamic sharia rule. A pastor is facing a court date after sharing the gospel with Muslims — […]
A handful of professors denounced Brooklyn College in New York City for forcing incoming students to read “How Does It Feel to be Young and Moslem in America” by Moustafe Bayoumi, an apologist for terrorism and moral equivalence between slavery and the treatment of Arab/Moslems in America post 9/11. Bruce Kesler a former marine tenaciously […] If We Don’t Build It, They Will Kill You? By Claudia Rosett, Sept. 10, 2010 “Peace” is a word so over-used and abused that by now it’s wise to brace yourself every time some self-declared “peace-maker” pipes up. But even by those standards, the perversion of “peace-making” hit fresh heights Wednesday evening, when CNN’s […]
9/11 Anniversary: Administration Rubs Salt Into A National Wound September 10, 2010 – The Editor The events of the last few days should forever cast upon this administration the twin stains of hypocrisy and cowardice. The affair of the proposed Koran burning, which I wrote about here, has been met with such a ferocity by the […]